By Diane Schivera, MAT
MOFGA’s Organic Livestock Specialist
last updated November 2019
One goal of organic livestock agriculture is to maintain animal health through sound management, and to move away from the regular use of health care products. This list includes both management techniques and materials that are available for use by organic livestock farmers. Information is organized under headings of general disease names. This is not an exclusive list, nor have all been tested or proven to work in all situations. It is the result of conversations with farmers and health care practitioners. Please contact MOFGA’s Agricultural Services with information about management methods or products that you feel are effective or ineffective.
This list is consistent with the information provided by the National Organic Program (NOP), Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) and communication with Accredited Certifiers Association.
The NOP Standards allow all non-synthetics, unless they are listed as prohibited and prohibits all synthetics, unless they are listed as accepted. All non-synthetic feed ingredients must be organic. When investigating feed supplements or additives and health care products look at all the ingredients, check the National List and NOSB recommendations for prohibited non-synthetic and accepted synthetic ingredients. Most non-synthetic health care items do not have to be organic.
For products not included in your Operating System Plan, it is your responsibility to ASK YOUR CERTIFIER and receive approval before you use them. Any name brand products must be evaluated based on their ingredients. The list of generic ingredients is included in your Practice Manual and the OMRI publications.
Record Keeping for any health care treatment used is required. All materials must be included in your OSP or added when used, by contacting your certifier.
- Adequate copper and zinc in the diet
- regular trimming
- dry environment
- limited grain feeding
- feeding Kelp
- copper in footbath
- hydrated lime in footbath as heading into barn, not permitted for application to fields
- zinc sulfate (listed allowed as feed additive 205.603(d)(1)) in ration
- Homeopathic remedies (including nosodes) (Hepar sulf or silica) for abcess
- 3% Hydrogen peroxide or Iodine soak or heavy spray
- lime pad
- honey
- Debriding wound to bleeding, trim and wrapping feet with epsom salt, Copper sulfate to draw out infection -MU-SE (Vit.E w/selenium) (sometimes repeated every 3- 4 weeks if needed)
- mix sugar with Betadine (not iodine tincture) to make thick orange paste, lift hoof, vigorously clean out between the two claws, then cleanse with hydrogen peroxide, cover wound with the thick, orange paste, and wrap, repeat in 3 days.
Udder or skin
- Wash any irritated skin or wounds well
- Clean total surface of udder well to prevent irritation eg. mud between udder and leg
- avoid allowing animals going outside before teats are dry in frigid weather
- aloe vera topically
- calendula ointment or diluted tincture applied topically
- echinacea ointment applied topically
- salves made from oil that was heated with healing herbs; comfrey, calendula, lavender, mint, then mixed with beeswax
- goldenseal tea (misted)
- hydrogen peroxide
- honey
- diluted tea tree, oregano or thyme oil topically
- Homeopathic remedies (Graphites, Arnica, Calendula)
- Clean, dry bedding
- 10% of body wt. good quality colostrum within the first 2 hours of life, 90 lb. calf gets 4 qts.
- Adequate ventilation
- black pepper: give 1 teaspoon per calf in a digestive bolus, calves need free access to water; will cause them to flush
- chamomile tea
- 10z/ qt. water of comfrey leaf and root, raspberry, garlic, goldenseal or oak bark, clove and nutmeg
- electrolytes –possible recipe- 1teaspoon salt, 1teaspoon baking soda, 1/4 cup honey or molasses, 2 tablespoons psyllum hulls, 2 quarts warm water, blended well
- vaccines
- probiotics
- yogurt (2 Tablespoons of yogurt to a gallon of milk. If the calf is being fed by her mother or a nurse cow, put some yogurt in the calf’s mouth)
- Homeopathic remedies (Arsenicum, Podophyllulm China, Pulsatilla, CarboVegetabilis, Ipecacuanha, Phosphorus, and Calcarea carbonica, E. coli nosode, calf scours nosode)
- rice or oat water
- vits. A, C, D, E, MU-SE (Vit.E w/selenium) to improve immune system
- High quality organic long stem hay, adding fiber
- Remove from lush pasture or silage
- black pepper or cayenne
- colostrum whey products
- aloe vera
- Homeopathic remedies (Arsenicum Album and Podophyllulm)
- garlic, squeeze into a drench and add some molasses to cover the smell/flavor
- vitamin C
- yogurt
- bentonite clay
- 6 eggs (raw) to a quart of beer
- raw organic cider vinegar and water
- Activated carbon (vegetable sources only) for toxins in feed
- vaccinations
- Give gradual access to legume pasture at beginning of pasture season
- Feed dry hay in barn before turning out onto pasture
- Avoid pasturing animals on dewy legume pasture, allow sunlight to dry it.
- Use of a flexible tube inserted into gut to release gas
- 1/4 cup baking soda, pinch ginger/16oz. warm water drench repeat in 1 hour
- vegetable oil with or without added essential oils drench
Digestive health promotion
- apple cider vinegar 1 oz./gallon of water, must be certified organic if fed daily
- yogurt, clabbered milk, must be certified organic if fed daily
- probiotics/direct fed microbials
Bold = best management practices, [Brackets] = company name
- Feeding low quality hay to reduce milk production to <20lbs/day at dry off
- Continue teat dipping for several days after dry-off, monitor condition of udder
- colostrum whey products
- probiotics
- grain formulated for the dry period
- sage as dry herb or tea
- MU-SE (Vit.E w/selenium)
- raw cider vinegar in water
- Homeopathic remedies (Utica urens 6c, Lac caninum including nosodes)
- Egg cleaners are food additives and must be on the National List of allowed non-agricultural substances because of the porous nature of eggshells.
- Chlorine solutions <4ppm,
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Potassium hydroxide
- Peracetic acid (Peroxyacetic acid)
- Sodium hypochlorite
- Sodium hydroxide
- Sodium bicarbonate
- Sodium carbonate
- Vinegar
- Care to not over-graze on leguminous rich pastures
- Use of dolomitic lime (mag lime) for correcting pH
- Homeopathic remedies (Mag phos and Calc phos)
- i.v. milk fever treatment with a solution of calcium and magnesium
- oral drench of calcium and magnesium, check product with MCS
- Maintain the energy level in the diet particularly during times of high protein forage feeding
- Do not over feed cows
- i.v. dextrose or glucose
- Top off a gallon of glycerin (from a natural source) with dextrose give 8 oz twice daily as needed
- Homeopathic remedies (Lycopodium, Nux Vomica)
- vitamin B12 in the muscle or B complex
- niacin boluses, 2 at each milking for 3-4 milkings
- prefresh cow 2-4 oz./day of raw cider vinegar to prevent begin at least 2 weeks before
- organic molasses, 1-2 cups at each milking for 6 milkings
- Proper udder preparation, emphasizing cleanliness including human hands, and cow readiness, hand stripping before applying the machine, not applying machine until teats are full, 60 to 90 seconds
- Proper maintenance of the milking equipment (check inflations, the pump, pulsator, etc.)
- Maintaining cow comfort, stress free environment, and cleanliness, adequate bedding, special care to clean the end of the teat, pre and post dipping of teats
- Stripping quarters regularly with extra massaging
- Culture milk to identify bacteria involved
- Use mastitic cow as Nurse cow
- garlic internally 1 or 2 whole bulbs twice per day
- Garlic tincture (8-10 cloves of sliced or ground garlic per 1 quart of Vodka, brew 30days, start on a new moon for best results) diluted 1tsp/cup of water or aloe in vulva
- 2 oz. raw apple cider vinegar daily internally
- tea of 1oz/qt water ginger, goldenseal, Echinacea, clove grated garlic, juniper berries, celery seed, dandelion root, and leaves, thyme, pine needles cayenne pepper, cinnamon, allspice and clove, bring to boil then steep 3-4 hours
- aspirin
- aloe vera internally
- epsom salt baths
- emollients (calendula, mint)
- Homeopathic remedies (Bryonia, Phytolacca, Hepar sulph, Aconite, Urtica urens, mastitis nosode)
- hypersaline (supportive therapy)
- colostrum whey products for mastitis [IMPRO, Crystal Creek]
- mastitis vaccination (staph vaccine)
- white clay poultice
- vitamin C or B1, A, E, Selenium
- echinacea tincture 2 cc twice/day internally
- Reduce Calcium and potassium (K <2% of diet) during at least last third of dry period
- Increase Phosphorous levels in the diet during last 2-3 weeks of the dry period
- ca/mg treatments, check product with MCS
- calcium i.v.
- Homeopathic remedies (alternate Calc phos and Mag phos during the dry period, Calc carb)
- vit D injections used as a preventative only
- as preventative, 2 oz raw vinegar twice daily during dry period, 2 wks before calving
- as preventative, grass hay during the dry period
- as preventative, pre-milking
- Selective breeding for resistance
- Intensive rotational grazing management – grazing plan to decrease exposure to parasites
- Dedicated young stock pasture
- Multi-species grazing, e.g. sheep follow cows
- Grazing hedgerow plants, brambles, evergreen, juniper, deciduous tree buds
- Measure and record body condition periodically, appropriate to species
- Use FAMACHA or fecal testing to monitor level of infestation for sheep and goats
- if using a chemical dewormer, dose properly
- diatomaceous earth (DE) 8oz. /cow for 5 days prior to waxing of moon 4 oz. afterwards
- garlic or oregano oil: particularly good for coccidia
- 1Tb Black Walnut Hull powder, 1/2 Tb Witch Hazel Root Powder for a 6 month old heifer for 4-6 weeks, daily; 2 Tb and 1 Tb for a non lactating cow; 1tsp, 1/2 tsp for a calf
- hydrogen peroxide in the water
- Homeopathic remedies
- vaccination or oregano essential oil for coccidia
- Copper sulfate 1 oz per 5 gallons of drinking water for 3 days, for confirmed parasite or bacterial infection
External : Flies, Lice and Mites
- Timely manure management and good ventilation
- Eliminating wet areas in barn and around barn
- Cedar sawdust as a natural repellent
- Brushing, clipping animals
- Adequate sulfur in diet or additionally free choice
- Use chickens or Muscovy ducks to follow cows on pasture to eat fly eggs and parasite larvae
- Dust bath for poultry including clove powder, ash and/or landscape grade peat moss
- White wash 2.5 lbs salt, 4.5 gallons skim milk, 50 lbs hydrated lime thin with water to spreading consistency. Can add 1 lb of glue to make stick better. McGraw Hill’s “Successful Poultry Management,” 1943
- aromatic oils such as melaluca, citrus, eucalyptus, citronella, mint, neem lemon grass, lemon eucalyptus and cedar
- lime/hydrated lime dusted on animals backs
- Soft Rock Phosphate and Humates in any fly breeding area, i.e. stall barn gutters or bedded packs at the rate of 1 pound per cow per week. Calf hutches at about 4 oz. per calf per week
- fly spray: 1 cup non-GMO vegetable oil, 2 cups vinegar, 1 cup water 1 tablespoon essential oil, mix well, put in a spray bottle, need to shake while spraying, it will settle out quickly, for use on animal not equipment or buildings
- Poultry lice or mite spray; 2 oz oil with 20 drops rosemary, lavender, neem 10 of tea tree and 5 clove essential oils
- soybean oil used as fly spray base will kill hornflies
- bug zapper [Orkin]
- diatomaceous earth on the windowsills
- fly paper/fly tape
- fly traps; yeast and water for attractant
- fly parasites [2000 IPM Laboratories], [Rincon-Vintova], [Spaulding]
- natural pyrethrin fly sprays
- Homeopathic remedies (Sulfur, Staphysagria)
- Rub white hellebore root on the affected area, or make a liquid mix of 4 quarts boiling water and 4 oz. white hellebore and wash the animal’s effected parts when the mix has cooled down
- Good nutrition & immune system enhancement with kelp and minerals offered free choice or mixed in feed
- Eye patch after treatment to keep flies and irritating light out
- calendula eyewash using calendula tincture well diluted with warm water
- nonalcoholic calendula spray mixed with Euphrasia and/or Hypericum pellets (homeopathic remedies)
- Homeopathic remedies (Aconite, Hepar sulph, Conium Kali bichromium, Silica)
- Good ventilation
- Clean dry bedding
- aspirin
- garlic (especially for calves), Echinacea, goldenseal
- vit. c
- Homeopathic remedies (Arsenicum, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Aconite, Ferrum phosphoricum, Hydrastis, Nux vomica, Bryonia, Antimonium tart, Phosphorous, nosodes)
- pneumonia vaccines
- probiotic supplements to stimulate the digestive system
- Chlorohexidine: allowed for use as a teat dip when alternative germicidal agents and/or physical barriers have lost their effectiveness
- glycerin (natural source): for teat dip use only
- glycerin (natural source) mixed with calendula oil for extra antiseptic and skin healing
- iodine topical use only
- udder wash: 4 gal. water, one-drop pine oil, one cap peroxide and one ounce betonite clay
- udder dip: 1 gallon water, 2 Tbs. lavender, pine and eucalyptus oils, half cup of non-GMO vegetable oil
- aloe juice
- isopropyl alcohol as a disinfectant only
- periacetic acid for equipment only
Breeding problems
- Adequate energy levels in feed
- Adequate mineral supplementation Se and Zn
- vit.e/selenium injections used preventatively for recurring cases and in winter
- Manual manipulation
- Homeopathic remedies (Pulsatilla to bring an animal into heat, Cal phos to help cycle, Iodium & Sepia for slow heats)
- colostrum whey products
Retained Placenta
- Allow cow to lick calf clean
- Assisting calving only when necessary
- black cohosh herbal tincture; oral and uterine infusion
- colostrum (feed them their own milk)
- Homeopathic remedies (Caulophylum, Sepia, Pyrogen if feverish)
- vit e/selenium injections used preventatively for recurring cases during dry period
- infuse uterus with aloe vera, herbal tinctures, need, twice a day for at least 2 days after cleaning
- xytocin only as a non- routine alternative
Cystic Ovaries
- Manual manipulation
- acupuncture
- Homeopathic remedies (Apis mel, Pulsatilla)
Udder Edema
- Low potassium hay
- Low salt intake
- Exercise during dry period
- Pre-milk
- Massage udder
- diuretics: coffee, parsley, juniper, etc.
- B vitamins
- Homeopathic remedies (Apis, Urtica)
- Oxytocin (note restrictions)
- iodine, aloe, essential oil uterine infusion
HERBAL USE, Reference1 tablespoon (1Tbsp) approximately 15cc
1 teaspoon (tsp) approximately 5cc
Decoction is a tea.
Tincture is an herb soaked in alcohol or vinegar.
- Alcohol; ethyl or isopropyl; topically
- Aspirin
- Electrolytes must not contain antibiotics
- Epsom salts
- Homeopathic remedies (pill, tincture, cream and more) [Washington Homeopathics], [National Homeopathic Products]
- Honey: as an external antibacterial agent
- Hydrogen peroxide: disinfectant, topical use, mastitis treatment
- Iodine
- Isopropyl Alcohol: disinfectant
- Lanolin
- Microbial Products (probiotics) non-gmo only, check with certifier before use
- Minerals synthetic or non-synthetic sources, note; nongmo, no animal by-products, no mineral oil, no ethoxyquine, no artificial flavors or colors
- Vitamins: all sources except microbial production using gmos
- Algae/ Kelp, organic as feed, non organic as a health care supplement or additive only
- Carriers – Non-synthetic, gmo free, FDA and AAFCO permitted, agricultural products must be organic
- Enzymes, non-gmo
- Epsom salts
- Yeast derivatives, Brewers yeast: must be non-gmo
- Atropine – pre-anesthetic, slows muscle contraction and reduces secretions – (i) Use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian; and (ii) A meat withdrawal period of at least 56 days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter; and a milk discard period of at least 12 days after administering to dairy animal
- Butorphanol – Torbugesic (anesthetic) allowed – (i) Use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian; and (ii) A meat withdrawal period of at least 42 days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter; and a milk discard period of at least 8 days after administering to dairy animals
- Calcium Borogluconate – allowed only in electrolyte formulations
- Carriers – non-synthetic, gmo free, FDA and AAFCO listed, agricultural products must be organic, in feed supplements or additives, not as feed
- Carriers – listed synthetic, gmo free and FDA and AAFCO permitted in feed supplements or additives not as feed
- Chlorohexidine – allowed as disinfectants, sanitizers and medical treatments, allowed for surgical procedures conducted by a veterinarian, and for use as a teat dip when alternative germicidal agents and/or physical barriers have lost their effectiveness
- Chlorine materials – residual chlorine levels after use for disinfecting must not be greater than the Safe Drinking Water Act (4ppm). Must use Ultra Chlorox , not other products or dilutions.
- Dextrose – allowed only in electrolyte formulations or as a carrier
- Electrolytes – without antibiotics
- Epinephrine – May not be administered in the absence of illness.
- Excipients – only for use in the manufacture of drugs used to treat organic livestock when the excipient is identified Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS); approved by the FDA as a food additive, or included in the FDA review and approval of a New Animal Drug application of New Drug Application
- Flunixin (Banamine) – in accordance with approved labeling, withdrawal two times FDA requirement
- Furosemide (Lasix, Disal) – in accordance with approved labeling, withdrawal two times FDA requirement
- Gelatin – as a carrier; must be from non-BSE countries
- Glucose – as a carrier or electrolyte
- Glycerin – as teat dip, from hydrolysis of fats or oils
- Herbal products – non-organic allowed for health care, organic for feed , feed additives or supplements
- Hydrated lime – as a topical disinfectant and external pest control only, not to cauterize wounds or to deodorize animals wastes, not to be spread on organically certified ground
- Lidocaine – local anesthetic, 90 day withdrawal time for slaughter stock, 7 day for dairy stock
- Magnesium hydroxide – with lawful written order of veterinarian
- Maltodextrin – for use in electrolyte formulations as a carrier
- Methionine synthetic – for use as a feed additive for poultry
- Mineral oil – for external health care and as a lubricant only
- Oxytocin – not for routine or long-term use in postparturition therapy
- Parasiticides – Fenbendazole, & Moxidectin – internal parasiticides prohibited in slaughter stock, allowed in emergency treatment for dairy and breeder stock when organic system plan-approved preventive management does not prevent infestation, milk or milk products from a treated animal cannot be labeled for 90 days following treatment or fed to young stock, in breeder stock; treatment cannot occur during the last third of gestation if the progeny will be sold as organic and must not be used during the lactation period for breeding stock
- Peroxyacetic/peracetic acid—for sanitizing facility and processing equipment
- Phosphoric acid—allowed as an equipment cleaner, Provided That, no direct contact with organically managed livestock or land occurs
- Poloxalene – in accordance with approved labeling for emergency treatment of bloat
- Potassium Sorbate – only for use in aloe vera and colostrum whey products for livestock production
- Probiotics (Microbial products) – must not be from genetically engineered sources or contain antibiotics
- Procaine – local anesthetic 90 day withdrawal time for slaughter stock, 7 day for dairy stock
- Sucrose – may only be used in electrolyte formulations as a carrier
- Tolazoline – with lawful oral or written order of veterinarian, Use only to reverse the effects of sedation and analgesia caused by Xylazine; and a meat withdrawal period of at least 8 days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter; and a milk discard period of at least 4 days after administering to dairy animals
- Xylazine – with lawful oral or written order of veterinarian, only in an emergency situation, a meat withdrawal period of at least 8 days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter; and a milk discard period of at least 4 days after administering to dairy animals
- Allowed; 205.238 (a)(6). Synthetic allowed as disinfectants, sanitizers, and medical treatments as applicable at 205.603(a)(14). Listed as biologics, vaccines. Those derived from excluded methods Bold = best management practices, [Brackets] = company name 7 must be on the National List, under 205.105(e).”
- Clostridium Perfringens Types C + D Antitoxin
- see pages Appendix B in the Organic Materials Review Institute Generic Materials List, for a complete listing.
activated charcoal from synthetic sources
animal by-products
Bag Balm
Blue Kote and Red Kote
carriers in feed – synthetic
calcium propionate
hormones, exception; oxytocin for post-parturition therapeutic application, not routine or long term
Icthamol, Aka black salve
insecticidal ear tags
kaolin pectin
Milk replacer
Mineral oil as dust
suppressant or feed additive
Pine tar
propionic acid (preservative for forages)
propylene glycol
Synthetic amino acids exception methionine for poultry
Synthetic preservatives in feed, feed additives or supplements
Thuja – Zinc Oxide Ointment [IBA, Inc]
Yellow prussiate of soda
White Liniment
Agri-Dynamics Consulting
PO Box 735, Easton, PA 18044, Phone: (610) 250-9280, Fax: (610) 250-7840
(herbal based products, essential oils, vitamins, colostrum whey products, trace mineral supplements
ARBICO Organics
PO Box 735, EasP.O. Box 8910,Tucson, AZ, 85738-0910, 1-800-827-2847,
(An Integrated Fly Control Program; biological fly control, manure management, maggot and adult fly control)ton, PA 18044, Phone: (610) 250-9280, Fax: (610) 250-7840
(herbal based products, essential oils, vitamins, colostrum whey products, trace mineral supplements
Henrietta Beaufait DVM, Homeopathic Veterinarian
PO Box 2165, Augusta ME, 04338 Phone: (207) 592-2587
(Homeopathic Kits and consultation)
Susan Beal DVM
814-952-6821, alchemy [email protected],
(Consultation for health care, pasture management, holistic management)
Biosa Solutions, Inc.
5684 Rt. 209 Kerhonkson, NY, 12446, Phone (845) 626-0934
Brookfield Ag Service, (Charlie Taplin)
Box 314A, Brookfield, VT 05036 Phone: (802) 276-3762
(Homeopathic kits, vitamins, natural salts, organic fertilizers, seeds, organic pesticides, macro and micro minerals, kelp meal, probiotics, colostrum based products, other animal health products, soil testing services)
Bio-Vet Inc.
Hwy. ID, Box 155, Blue Mounds, WI, 53517, Phone: 802- 246-8381,
Clark Veterinary Clinic (Dr. Shaeffer)
PO Box 353, Palmyra, PA 17078, Phone: (717) 838-9563, Fax: (717) 838-0377
(Homeopathic kits, remedies, phone consultations)
Crossgates Farm Homeopathic Products, Ltd
Crossgates Farm, Banknewton, Gargrave, R Skipton, North Yorkshire BD23 3NT Phone/Fax: 01756 748585,
(Homeopathic remedies and kits, spray bottles, laminated treatment cards, homeopathic pills & books)
Crystal Creek Services
N9466 Lakeside Road, Trego, WI 54888, Phone: (888) 376- 6777, Fax: (715) 466-5042,
(natural, effective, environmentally safe livestock health products and minerals formulated with the needs of the organic and conscientious producer in mind)
Farmstead Health Supply
P.O. Box 985, Hillsborough, NC, 27278, Phone: (919) 643- 0300,
(Herbal health products for animal health)Farnam’s Rust-Proof Fly Trap & Attractant
Phone: (800) 234-2269,
(insecticide free fly traps)
Sarah Flack
(organic, grass based livestock production consultation)
Fedco Seeds
PO Box 520, Waterville, ME, 04903, Phone: (207) 873-7333,
(Seeds, Feed, Grower and Livestock supplies)
The FERTRELL Company
Box 265, Bainbridge, PA 17502, Phone: (717) 367-1566
(Colostrum products, organic mineral packages: custom mix to the needs of your animals, other animal health products)
Garlic Research Labs
624 Ruberta Avenue, Glendale, CA, 91201,Phone: (800) 424-7990,
(liquid garlic)
Buffalo Molasses
5133 Robinson Rd, Fillmore, NY 14735, 585-567-1206, Fax: 585-567-2106,
organic molasses
Green Mountain Feeds
VT 1-802-234-6278 Dairy Bulk and most species bagged
Morrisons Feeds
VT, 3-ton minimum order. They will do pallets of mixed bags shipped to farms, most species. Will only blow/augur into bins or silos Greg Morrison, [email protected], 802-633-4387, cell 802-535- 5072, Dairy bulk and bagged, other species, bagged, will ship pallets
Phoenix Feeds
VT, Maine Regional Dealer: Shane Keady, Cell:(802)369-9896, Office: (802)453-6684, Fax:(802)453- 7866, Email: [email protected]
The Milkhouse
Smaller Quanties of dairy, heifer, layer and swine available from The Milkhouse, 445 South Monmouth Rd., Monmouth, ME 04259, 207-933-8184, [email protected]
Nature’s Best
Kreamer PA, 1-800-767-4537, Most species, Bagged
Paris Farmers Union
Maine, 1-800-639-3603, carry Natures Best in Maine, call to find where they deliver
Poulin Grain
Andrew Beals, N.E Technical Manager, 800- 334-6731 to source, carry Green Mountain Feeds, Most species, Bagged
Hamby Dairy Supply
2402 SW Water, Maysville, MO 64469-9102, Phone: 800- 306-8937, (milking equipment and processing equipment)
Hay Sources
Paris Helfter Feeds, IncUnion
301 Main Street, PO Box 27, Osco, IL 61274, Phone: (800) 373-5971, Fax: (309) 522-5570
(OMRI approved vitamin, mineral and nutritional supplements)
Homeopathy Overnight
929 Shelburne Ave., Absecon, N.J., 08201, Phone: (800) 276-4223,Fax:609-646-0347,, email: [email protected]
(remedies, books, ointments, creams, tinctures kits)
Tim Corey, Phone: 207-437-9364, or your local dealer
(certain health care products are acceptable to NOP
IMPRO Products
Dr. Richard Holliday, DVM, Marketing and Technical Services, 3 Allamakee St., Waukon, Iowa 52172, Phone: (800) 626-5536, Fax: (319) 568-4259
(colostrum whey products)
55 Evergreen Drive, Portland ME, 04103, Phone: (800) 466- 8235, Fax: 207-878-2117,
Insect Control Systems
2378 Hemenway Hill Rd, Shoreham, VT, 05770-9519, Phone (802) 897-5800
Integrate Bio Systems
Lakeview Organic Grain (Klaas & Mary-Howell Martens)
1443 Ridge Rd, Penn Yan, NY 14527, Phone: 315-531-1038
(organic seed, custom grain blends, bagged grains, mineral premixes, molasses, animal health products)
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
6120 W. Douglas Ave., Milwaukee, WI, 53218, Phone: 800- 692-4700,
(nutrition supplements)
Lyman’s Store
Rt. 201 2 miles north of exit 36 on the left, Fairfield, ME, Phone: 238-9209,
(source of Agri-Dynamics Products, Crystal Creek Products, and other materials for organic production)
Maine Cheese Guild
Home Page
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
PO Box 170, Unity, ME 04988, Phone: 568-4142,, Diane Schivera, Organic Livestock Specialist, [email protected], Jacki Perkins, Organic Dairy and Livestock Specialist, [email protected]
Maine Organic Milk Producers, MOMP
President; Henry Perkins: 437- 9279, Secretary: Treasurer; Mary Castonguay : 897-3724
Maine Poultry Producers Association MAPA
NCO Organics
Phone: (800) 279-7999
(Source of grain and forage seed)
National Center for Appropriate Technology “Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas” (ATTRA)
PO Box 3657, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702, Phone: (800) 346-9140,
(Free resources on sustainable dairy, beef, chicken, hog production & much more)
National Homeopathic Products, CELLETECH LTD
518 Tasman St., Madison, WI 53714, Phone: (800) 888-4066
(Homeopathic remedies, combination remedies)
NewAgritec Enterprises
PO Box 490, Little York, NY 13087, [email protected], 607-379-3793
[Cinnatube] dry treatment
Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance
Ed Maltby, Executive Director, 30 Keets Rd, Deerfield MA, 01342, phone: 413-772-0444, email: [email protected]
National Organic Program
Nutrapathic Agricultural Products, Parametric, Inc.
10934 Lin-Valle Drive, St. Louis, MO 63123, Phone: (800) 747-1601, Fax: (314) 892-1602
(Homeopathic/herbal combination remedy Livestock Restore)
Olsen Sticky Traps
Olson Products, Medina, OH, Phone: (330) 723-3210
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)
Box 11558, Eugene, OR 97440, Phone: 541-343-8971,
Paris Farmers Union
1435 Main St. Oxford, ME, Phone: (800) 639-3603
(many products and other locations)
Ralco Nutrition Inc.
1600 Hahn Road, Marshall, MN 56258 Phone: (800)533-5306, Order: Ken Danielowski Phone: (717) 866-9513,
Ration Maker East, INC.
P.O. Box 1048, Asheboro, NC, 27204 Newman Gamage, Phone: 207-622-5009
(mineral mixes, organic forage and corn seeds)
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc
PO Box 1555, Ventura, CA, 93002, Phone: (800) 248-2847 (bugs), email: [email protected]
(fly predators, dung beetles, and odor control materials)
Spalding Laboratories
760 Printz Road, Arroyo Grande, California 93420, Phone: (800) 845-2847
(fly predators)
Star Labs
PO Box 77, Clarksdale, MO, 64430, Phone (800) 894-5396, Fax: (816) 677-5427,
Star West Herbals
Phone: (800) 800-HERB
(source of organic herbs)
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
1681 Schubert Road, Bethel, PA, 19507, Phone: (800) 507- 9361, Fax: 717-933-1396
(Herbal mastitis treatments)
University of Vermont Small Ruminant Dairy Project
200 Carrington Building, Burlington, VT, 05405, Phone (820) 656-0915
University of Maine Animal Health Lab
5735 Hitchner Hall, Room 133 Univ. of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5735 (207) 581-2788 / (207) 581-4430 fax 1-800 287- 7170,
Washington Homeopathic Products, Inc.
4914 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814, Phone (800) 336-1695, Website:
(Homeopathic kits, remedies, tinctures, ointments, books)
Udder Comfort
Phone; 888-749-7133,
2000 IPM Laboratories, Inc.
Locke, NY 13092-0300, Phone: (315) 497-2063, Fax: (315) 497-3129. email: [email protected]
(fly predators)