How to Buy Organic

Why buy MOFGA-certified organic?

It's local AND organic!

MOFGA-certified organic is the best of both worlds.
These products are Maine-raised and/or produced and certified organic. Local tells you where your food is produced, and organic tells you how it is produced. 

MOFGA-certified organic producers support Maine's local economies and rural communities.

Research by the Organic Trade Association, in partnership with Penn State, revealed that “organic hotspots” – counties with high levels of organic agricultural activity that have neighboring counties with high levels of organic agricultural activity – boost household incomes and reduce poverty levels at rates greater than general agricultural activity and than major anti-poverty programs. 

Organic agriculture reduces the amount of toxic chemicals in our environment and in our bodies.

More than 600 active chemicals are registered for agricultural use in the United States, which equates to billions of pounds used annually. Organic agriculture does not permit the use of synthetic chemical pesticides or herbicides. Most of the pesticides that are allowed in organic are derived from natural products, are low in toxicity and break down rapidly.

Certified organic farmers preserve pollinator habitat, promote biodiversity, and build healthy soil.

Organic farmers use specific practices, such as cover cropping, crop rotation, composting, and  often use diverse crop mixes (not monocultures), that protect soil and water quality while enhancing biodiversity. These practices support soil health, preventing erosion and runoff, and often sequester carbon and nutrients in the soil.

Organic food cannot be produced with genetically modified organisms (often called GMOs).

Organic farmers do not use GMO seeds, plants, or animal feeds, and organic processed foods are not made with GMO ingredients. Many GMO crops are engineered to survive glyphosate spraying. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup and some other herbicides. The best way to avoid GMOs and glyphosate residues in the United States is to buy organic.

Certified organic livestock are produced humanely, without synthetic antibiotics or added growth hormones.

Organic meat and dairy cannot be raised with synthetic antibiotics or added growth hormones, such as recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH, also called rBST). Additionally, organic livestock farmers ensure that their animals have access to the outdoors and room enough to move, graze and develop in a manner that supports their natural behavior. To ensure your animal protein comes from animals that were happy and healthy, buy organic!

Look for the MOFGA-certified organic label for organic products grown and raised in Maine.

There are many ways to buy organic – from shopping at your local grocery store or co-op to purchasing organic items directly from a farm via a farm stand or farmers’ market, or through a CSA or buying club. Here are some resources to help you find organic products near you and eat locally year-round.

Find MOFGA Certified Organic Foods and Products

From fresh produce, meat, and dairy products, to pantry staples like flour, condiments, and even coffee (roasted in Maine), you can search for products by type and region in our organic database.
Find Organic

Search the Map

Search our interactive map of MOFGA certified organic producers to find a farm near you. Farms selling direct to consumer are indicated in gray.
Search the Map

Find a Farmers' Market

Maine is home to a vibrant array of farmers’ markets – many of which operate year-round.
Find a Market

Buy Organic Seedlings

Looking to get your garden off to the right start? Consider purchasing local organic seedlings in the spring. Check out our resource listing and map of Maine garden centers offering organic seedlings.
Find Seedlings

Join a CSA

With Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), farmers offer shares (or weekly subscriptions) of their harvest – allowing CSA members to sample the season while helping to minimize farmers’ risks by paying up-front for their CSA share.
Find a CSA

Find a Retail Outlet

MOFGA-certified organic products are available at retail stores throughout the state and the Northeast. Use this map to help you find local organic products. Look for the MOFGA logo where you shop!
Find Organic

Resources for Eating Organic

Sign up for monthly local and organic kitchen newsletter, which features resources for eating local and organic year-round.

Organic for All

We aim to change the environment in which people make their food decisions so that local organic food is an accessible choice for everyone. Learn more about our work with the Maine Harvest Bucks program, available to SNAP/EBT shoppers.

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