Category: Permaculture

Permaculture Takes Root in Maine

By Stowell Watters Do yourself a small disservice sometime and type the words “permaculture definition” into an Internet search for a refreshing check-in with your college brain. Can you still absorb painful block-text paragraphs and talking-head quotes ranging from the vapidly vague to the searingly specific? Can you mentally digest a hurricane of exposition and

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Diagram of the labyrinth that was being installed during a permablitz in Belfast. English photo. By Jean English “Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you dream of.” Alice Walker’s quote is one of several on the Belfast Area Transition Initiative website (BATI; A “permablitz” that BATI

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Garden beds and ponds are just a step from any door at the home of Charles and Julia Yelton in Whitefield, Maine. The Yeltons have a worldwide reputation for excellence in permaculture design. Photos by Jean English. By Jean English In his book Introduction to Permaculture (Tagari Publications, Australia, 1991), Bill Mollison defines permaculture as

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