Stoneworkers Work Hard for MOFGA

Winter 2006-2007
The Stone Workers Guild began work on the first pocket park at MOFGA’s Common Ground Education Center at the 2006 Fair. English photo.

Since 1985, a group of stoneworkers has gathered at the Common Ground Country Fair to demonstrate and educate the public about the versatility and creative possibilities of stone.  In 1996, these people formed the Maine Stone Workers Guild.  Members meet monthly to share ideas and resources and to plan demonstrations and educational displays.  Their central office provides information and referrals to members who can best meet the needs of interested parties.  The Guild also offers programs for educators, ranging from slide presentations to hands-on workshops.

This model shows an arch similar to one that the Maine Stone Workers Guild plans to erect at the North Entrance to Common Ground. English photo.

The Guild’s work is apparent all around MOFGA’s Common Ground Education Center, from the entrance garden and sundial (the Guild’s first contributions to MOFGA), to several granite benches, to its newest project – pocket parks.  At the 2006 Common Ground Fair, the Guild got a good start on a pocket park that will provide seating, shade and beauty to visitors to the Unity site.  Stone for this project was donated by J.C. Stone of Jefferson, Maine, and labor for this and all of the other projects at Common Ground was donated by Guild members.

Joe Auciello of Auciello Stone is a member and secretary of the Maine Stone Workers Guild, as well as chair of the Common Ground Country Fair Steering Committee. English photo.

In addition to completing the pocket park, the Guild plans to erect an arch at the North Gate entrance to Common Ground. It will measure about 12 feet high and 12 feet wide inside the opening.  Granite for the arch will be donated by Gibran Buell of  Sullivan Memorial Stoneworks in Sullivan, Maine.  The arch is designed to “show the beauty of the material and what you can do if you stay at something long enough,” says Buell, adding that the arch will be “a portal to enter the world of MOFGA.”

For more information about the Stoneworkers Guild, visit or contact the Guild at 1032 Wotton Mill Rd., Warren ME 04864; 207-273-3065; [email protected].

Stone benches around the Unity site were donated by the Guild. English photo.
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