2005 Common Kitchen & Food Donors

The “Common Kitchen” is a happening place at the Fair and has one of the largest needs for volunteers. Kitchen shifts start at 4:30 a.m. and end well after midnight. Experienced volunteers know it’s the best place to be. It’s warm and dry, and you can eat all the time.

We always need more volunteers, especially for early morning and late night shifts when coordinators are at their best. (If you believe that, I have this bridge for sale in New York …) A special thanks this year to Jules and Maria, who, with Madelaine and Barbara, coordinated on Friday to replace Kim Bolshaw, who was off having a sweet, 5-pound 9-ounce girl (nice timing, Kim!) and named her Ellis. Our next kitchen coordinator!

Next year, if you volunteer for the early morning shift, we suggest you not attend the evening entertainment, as 5 a.m. will look less attractive than when you committed to it.

We serve over 4,000 meals to over 1,200 volunteers and some 200 Planning Team, MOFGA board and staff members. Meals are organic and provide food for vegetarians, vegans and meat lovers. The Fair appreciates “Our Kitchen” and its coordinators feeding all these hard working people. Some volunteers and workers have their first introduction to organic, Maine-grown foods in the Kitchen! Thanks to all Common Kitchen workers for your hard work!

The “Common Kitchen Staff” (special thanks to Patti and Bill) outdid themselves this year and got almost all of the Kitchen food donated. Patti, our Offshore Office of Corporate Giving, got national companies to donate items that are not economically feasible to get in-state. Next year: Newman’s Own. With these added businesses, we had plenty of things that we were short of in the past.

In 2006, we’ll add to our meat diversity by contracting with growers to raise specific items; add fish to the menu; and add our real dream: ICE CREAM. If readers would like to volunteer, donate food or money, or help in any other way (we’d really like our own solar-powered golf cart), call the MOFGA office.

The exceptional businesses and individuals who donated in 2005 are listed below. Please support them and let them know how much you appreciate their donations to our own Common Ground Country Fair!

Kim Bolshaw, 23 Durham Rd, Freeport, 865-3734
Madeline Cantwell, 108 Ripley Rd, Montague, Mass.
David Hilton, 34B Chestnut Common, New Gloucester, 926-4004
Jack Kertesz, 204 Clark Rd, Unity, 568-3444
Liz Lauer, 81 Maples Dr, Prentiss Twp, 765-3501
Becca Munro, 990 Old Sumneytown Pk, Harleysville, 19438
Polly Shyka, PO Box 32, Freedom, 382-6300
Tin Smith, 62 Tufts Rd, Wells, 676-2209
4M Productions, 323 Main St, Thomaston, 354-8781
After The Fall, Santa Cruz Organic, RW Knudsen
Alacer Corp, 19631 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, 92610
Androscoggin Apple Company, 151 Saunders Rd, Greene, 946-4611
Apple Ridge Flower & Vegetable Farm Inc, 145 Appleton Ridge Rd, Appleton, 785-3221
Applegate Farms, 750 Rte 202 S 3rd Flr, Bridgewater, MA 08807-5330
Arrowhead Mills Inc, PO Box 2059, Hereford, CO 79045-2059
Associated Buyers, PO Box 399, Barrington
Aunt Betty’s Garden, 4 Evergreen, Bar Harbor
Avena Botanicals, 219 Mill St, Rockport, 594-1448
Axis Natural Foods Inc, 250 Center St, Auburn, 782-3348
Barbara’s Bakery Inc, 3900 Cypress Dr, Petaluma, CA 94954-5694
Barnes & Barnes Organic Dairy, 170 Barnes Rd, Albion, 437-5483
Beech Hill Farm, 171 Beech Hill Rd, Mt Desert, 244-5204
Belfast Coop Store, 123 High St, Belfast, 338-2532
Black Bear Food Guild, Univ. of Maine, 102 Deering Hall, Orono, 581-2913
Blessed Maine Herbs, 257 Chapman Ridge Rd, Athens, 654-2879
Bluebird Hill Farm, 68 Bluebird Hill Rd, Jefferson, 549-7205
Blue Hill Coop, PO Box 1133, Blue Hill, 374-2165
Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, Greene’s Hill Plaza, Milwaukee 97222
Bog Juice, 141 Beech Hill Rd, Northport,
Borealis Breads, PO Box 1800, Wells, 882-6202
Brae Maple Farm, 233 N Union Rd, Union, 785-4978
Broken Acres Farm, 160 Valley Rd, Jefferson, 549-5112
Caldwell Farm, 313 N Parish Rd, Turner, 225-3871
Carding Brook Farm, PO Box 122, Sedgwick, 359-2326
Checkerberry Farm, 530 Wellington Rd, Parkman, 277-3114
Columbia Gorge Organics, 3610 Ventral Vale Rd, Hood River 97031
Country Choice Organics, New Century Holdings, 9531 W 78th St #230, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Crofters Food Ltd, 7 Great Rd N, Parry Sound, Ontario
CROPP Coop, Organic Valley, One Organic Way, LaFarge, WI, 54639
Curra Family Farm, 80 Curra Rd, Knox, 382-6161
Darthia Farm, 51 Darthia Farm Rd, Gouldsboro, 963-7771
Days Meadow Farm, 889 Alewive Rd, Kennebunk, 985-6896
Ecover Inc, 1533 W 5th St, San Pedro, CA 90732-3417
F & A Farm, 968 Banton Rd, Palermo, 993-2755
Falcon Trading Company Inc, 1055 17th Ave, Santa Cruz, Calif.
Fiddler’s Green, PO Box 254, Belfast, 338-3872
Fillo Factory, 70 Cortland Ave, Dumont, 07628
Finn’s Organic, 1452 New Sweden Rd, Woodland, 492-4162
Fishbowl Farm, 284 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, 568-3357
Flavorganics, 268 Doremus Ave, Newark, NJ 07105
Food For Life Baking Co, 2991 E Doherty, Corona, 92879-5811
Four Winds Farm, PO Box 141, Lisbon, 353-6891
Frontier Natural Products Coop, 3021 78th St Box 299, Norway, 669-3275
Good Food Store, PO Box 467 Route 2, Bethel, 824-3754
Good Tern Co-Op, 750 Main St, Rockland
Goranson Farm, 250 River Rd, Dresden, 737-8834
Grandy Oats Granola, 349 Center Conway Rd, Brownfield, 632-1607
Hampden Natural Foods, 108 Main St, Hampden, 862-2500
Happy Town Farm, 1138 Happy Town Rd, Orland, 667-9212
Hedgehog Hill Farm, 54 Hedgehog Hill Rd, Sumner, 388-2341
Hidden Valley Farm, 204 Hollywood Blvd, Whitefield, 586-5837
Hoof ’n Paw Farm, 168 Starks Rd, New Sharon, 778-3903
Horizon Organic, PO Box 190, Chelsea VT 05038
Horsepower Farm, RR1 Box 1095, Penobscot, 374-5038
Kelley Brothers Farm, Rte 4 Box 7785, Pittston, 582-1436
Kettle Foods Inc, PO Box 664, Salem, OR 97308-0664, 364-0399
King Hill Farm, 731 North Penobscot Rd, 326-9701
Land O’ Lakes Inc, PO Box 64101, St Paul, MN 55164-0101
Laughing Stock Farm, 79 Wardtown Rd, Freeport, 865-3743
Little Falls Farm, 250 Walker Mills Rd, Harrison, 583-6047
Luce’s Maple Syrup, 54 Sugar Maple Dr, Anson, 696-3732
Madhava Honey, Lyons, 823-5166
Maple Grove Farms, 1052 Portland St, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Maranatha Nut Butters, nSpired Natural Foods, 1850 Fairway Dr, San Leandro, CA 94501
Meadowsweet Farm, 1133 Finntown Rd, Warren, 273-3251
Morgan’s Mills, 317 Payson Rd, Union, 785-4663
Morning Dew Natural Foods, 19 Sandy Creek Rd, Bridgton
Mothers Mountain Mustard, 110 Woodville Rd, Falmouth
Mysty Mountain Farm, 388 Upper St, Turner, 225-3915
Natural Living Center, 209 Longview Dr, Bangor
Nature’s Choice, 87 Elm St, Camden, 236-8280
Neverdun Farm, 259 Log Cabin Rd, Arundel, 967-4735
New Elm Farm, 27 Lambert Rd, Freeport, 865-4019
New Leaf Farm, 496 Davis Rd, Durham, 353-5263
Nezinscot Farm, 284 Turner Center Rd, Turner, 225-3231
Oak Harvest Mushrooms, PO Box 645, Newcastle, 586-6409
O’Naturals, 240 US Rte 1, Falmouth 04105
Once Again Nut Butter, 12 South State St, Nunda, NY 14517-0429
Pat & Mike’s Garden, 581 North St, Ellsworth, 667-3420
Patchwork Organic Gardens, 84 Harding Rd, Brunswick, 442-8195
Peacemeal Farm, 25 Peacemeal Lane, Dixmont, 257-4103
Phoenix Farm, 191 S Monmouth Rd, Monmouth, 389-1565
Poverty Hill Farm, 64 Durgin Rd, S Paris, 743-9569
Radlo Foods LLC, 313 Pleasant St, Watertown, MA 02472
Ricker Hill Orchards, PO Box 202, Turner 04282
Rippling Waters, Backyard Organics, 55 River Rd, Steep Falls, 642-5161
Rising Tide Natural Foods Coop, 15 Coastal Market Dr, Damariscotta, 563-5556
Royal River Natural Foods, 443 US Rt 1, Freeport
Sand Hill Farm, 281 Sand Hill Rd, Somerville, 549-5089
Schoodic Hollow Farm, 53 Hooper Rd, Franklin, 565-3679
School Around Us, 281 Log Cabin Road, Arundel 04046
Shore Road Farms, 496 Shore Rd, Perry, 853-4750
Sea Smoke Farm, 720 North Shore Rd, N Haven, 867-2067
Seventh Generation Inc, 212 Battery St Suite A, Burlington, VT 05401-5281
Sewall’s Orchard, 259 Masalin Rd, Lincolnville, 763-3956
Skylandia Organic Farm, PO Box 14, Grand Isle, 895-5234
Sparrow Farm, RR 2 Box 110, Gardiner, 582-2213
Spectrum Organic Products Inc, 5341 Old Redwood Hwy Suite 400, Petaluma, CA 94954
Spruce Bush Farm, 101 Old Madden Rd, Jefferson, 549-7448
Snowy Hills Gardens, 17 Reynolds Rd, Thorndike, 948-2054
Standard Baking Co, 75 Commercial St, Portland, ME 04101
Sun & Earth Inc, 125 Noble St, Norristown, PA 19401
SunRidge Farm, Inc, 1055 17th Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062-3033
The Bridge, 598 Washington St, Middletown, CT 06547
The Life Tree, Celtic Sea Salts, #1329 2720 Lee Rd 430, AL 36877
The Store, Ampersand, 22 Mill St, Orono, 04473
The Whole Grocer, 127 Marginal Way, Portland, 774-7711
Turkey Hill Farm, 122 Old Ocean House Rd, Cape Elizabeth, 799-7225
Two In The Bush, 81 Webb Rd, Thorndike, 568-3162
Watershed Farms, 475 Peabody Rd, Appleton, 589-6002
Webb Family Farms, RR2 Box 80A, Pittston, 582-7160
Western Maine Rabbit Breeders Assoc., 64 Durgin Rd, S Paris, 743-9569
Western Waldo Coop, PO Box 170, Unity
Whitewave, 1990 N. 57th Ct., Boulder, CO 80301
Wild Harvest Organic Farm, PO Box 105, Grand Isle, 895-3538
Willow Pond Farm, 395 Middle Rd, Sabattus, 375-6662
Wintergreen, 514 Garland Rd, Winslow, 872-5002
WoodPrairie Farm, 49 Kinney Rd, Bridgewater, 425-7741
Wulf Orchards, 685 Middle Rd, New Portland, 628-3832


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