Organic Farming 101: Principles and Practices

Organic Farming:  Principles and Practices


Wednesday, May 9, 2018
9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., MOFGA’s Common Ground Education Center, Unity
Fee: $100; $75 for MOFGA members

This one day immersion course is designed for MOFGA apprentices but is open to any participants interested in learning the fundamental principles and practices of organic farming.

Join specialists from MOFGA’s Agricultural Services Department and organic farmers for a one-day introductory course in organic farming. Lunch will be provided.

The day will focus on the fundamentals of organic vegetable farming. MOFGA’s Eric Sideman, Organic Crops Specialist, and Dave Colson, Agricultural Services Director, will cover theory and  best practices for organic management of soils, and cover plant families. After lunch we will tour a neighboring farm.

Interested in a partial or full scholarship? Please fill out a scholarship application form by March 1st.

Organic Farming:  Principles and Practices

Livestock 101 – Basic Handling

Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Misty Brook Farm in Albion, Maine
Fee: $100; $75 for MOFGA members

When considering value-added endeavors, medium to large livestock are often a valuable addition to an operation. Knowing proper handling and first aid techniques can save lots of money and grief. We would like to offer training on these topics by Jacki Perkins, a long-time homesteader and MOFGA’s Dairy Specialist, and Henrietta Beaufait, a licensed, large animal homeopathic veterinarian.

Misty Brook Farm in Albion, Maine has graciously agreed to host this training. Their farm boasts a variety of amiable livestock, which are accustomed to intensive handling, and uniquely suited as a training tool, due to the excellent training by farm staff and family members.

We will help everyone leave the session with the confidence they need going forward to administer general first-aid, and have a confident, informed decision with a veterinarian, if necessary. Completing this training may also be a benefit to current or future employment.

Interested in a partial or full scholarship? Please fill out a scholarship application form.


10 am – Arrive and Disinfect Footwear

10:30-11:30 am – Relevant Anatomy and Homeopathic First Aid

11:30 am – Noon – Tour Facilities and Discuss

12 noon – 1 pm – Lunch

1 pm – Pigs

1:30-2:30 pm – Chickens

2:30-3:30 pm – Calves

3:30-4:30 pm – Cows/ Bull Safety

Please remember to disinfect your footwear before leaving the farm as well, to help reduce the spread of disease. Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

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