Volunteer Registration Opens for 2024 Common Ground Country Fair

June 1, 2024

The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) invites you to sign up now to volunteer at the 48th annual Common Ground Country Fair held on September 20, 21, and 22 in Unity, Maine. Every year, hundreds of volunteers help to produce MOFGA’s premier event to celebrate rural living. The fair features 1,000-plus exhibitors and speakers, and emphasizes vibrant communities, sustainable living, and local economies, while highlighting organic agriculture. 

Drawing more than 60,000 attendees, the Common Ground Country Fair simply couldn’t happen without the generous support of volunteers from across Maine and beyond. Volunteers plug into every aspect of the event, from helping to direct traffic and greeting those who bicycle to the fair, to sorting composting and recycling to reduce waste at the event, to coordinating the many activities in the well-loved children’s area — often referred to as “the fair within the fair.” The list goes on and on! In exchange for a four-hour shift, volunteers receive an iconic organic cotton, USA-made fair volunteer T-shirt; fair admission on the day of their shift; a one-night camping voucher; and a delicious meal prepared by the volunteer-run Common Kitchen.

“Each fair is truly powered by volunteers, many of whom return year after year to celebrate the harvest season and the vibrant rural community here in Maine,” says Timothy Boston, MOFGA’s community engagement coordinator. “This legacy of volunteerism makes the Common Ground Country Fair what it is: a one-of-a-kind gathering with a profound ripple effect on both individuals and the organic movement here in Maine.”

Volunteers who work multiple shifts receive additional meals, camping vouchers, and days of free admission. Working a set-up shift during the week before the event or a clean-up shift during the days after the fair will earn the same benefits; this is a great way to volunteer and have a completely free schedule to explore the fair. 

MOFGA especially seeks people to volunteer during the days after the fair, when there is a lot to do in a short amount of time. Every year the Common Ground Country Fair ends with a special event on Sunday afternoon and evening — a raffle for all of the volunteers who help on that day. Volunteers who have completed a Sunday shift gather to celebrate their hard work and dedication. Tables are filled with amazing prizes donated by the fair’s exhibitors, including items such as pottery, woodenware, candles, dried herbs and flowers, and artwork.

“MOFGA is very excited to celebrate the 48th annual Common Ground Country Fair with all of our volunteers,” says Boston. 

To browse available shifts and sign up, set up a free volunteer profile at mofga.vomo.org. People interested in bringing a group or who would prefer to register over the phone or by email, contact Timothy Boston, MOFGA’s community engagement coordinator, at [email protected] or 978-255-3180.

Learn more about volunteering and the Common Ground Country Fair at mofga.org/the-fair.

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