Call For Climate-Friendly Infrastructure Investments In Our Food System
September 27, 2021
Today farmers from across Maine expressed strong support for provisions in the Build Back Better Act, currently under consideration in Congress. Calling for big and bold infrastructure investments in climate-smart food and agriculture systems, 235 farmers signed a letter to Senator Collins, Senator King, Representative Pingree and Representative Golden.
Farmers in Maine and across the country are on the frontlines, living the impacts of climate change on a daily basis. The chaotic and unpredictable weather patterns are making it nearly impossible to plan, have destroyed crops, and are affecting farmers’ ability to grow food for their communities and for the state. But, if given the resources, these farmers can reduce their emissions, sequester carbon and become resilient to climate change impacts.
Farmers are encouraging investments in programs that will have the biggest impacts on Maine’s farms and food system, including: conservation and climate-friendly farming practices; climate-focused sustainable and organic agriculture research; and climate-resilient rural food and farm infrastructure and economy. The letter emphasizes the importance of ensuring support for historically underserved communities.
Climate-friendly food and agriculture provisions are small in comparison to the overall Reconciliation Package, but they would have significant impacts for farmers in Maine and across the country.