
Book cover of "Wild Plant Culture"

Book Review: “Wild Plant Culture”

“Wild Plant Culture” by Jared Rosenbaum is an in-depth exploration of the reintegration of native plants into our landscapes for both ecological restoration and practical human use. The book offers a comprehensive guide to understanding, cultivating, and utilizing native plants, emphasizing their importance in maintaining biodiversity, supporting wildlife, and providing sustainable food and medicine sources. […]

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Book cover of "Barons"

Book Review: “Barons”

“Barons” tells the story, noted in the subtitle, of “money, power, and the corruption of America’s food industry.” In this vivid and engaging book, author Austin Frerick exposes the chokehold that seven families have over the global food industry, and the ramifications of their consolidated power on farmers, consumers, ecosystems, and even democracy.  The word “monopoly”

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Cover of "Planting for Climate Resilience"

Book Review: “Planting for Climate Resilience in Northeast Landscapes”

For the farmer who yearns to focus on life beyond production, a new guide from Wild Seed Project, “Planting for Climate Resilience in Northeast Landscapes” offers companionship. By skillfully weaving ancestral knowledge and celebrating the power of cultural creation, this guide feels more like a reflection of the landscape we love than an authoritative decree.

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Book cover of "A Northern Gardeners Guide to Native Plants and Pollinators"

Book Review: “A Northern Gardener’s Guide to Native Plants and Pollinators”

This book was written with gardeners in the Northeast, Upper Midwest and Great Lakes regions of the United States in mind. It’s filled with profiles of more than 300 native plants, but it’s more than a gardening guide — it’s a handbook for climate action! Planting flowers may not sound like a “save the world”

Book Review: “A Northern Gardener’s Guide to Native Plants and Pollinators” Read More »

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