Crecer, Cosechar y Compartir // Grow, Harvest & Share

United Technologies Center (UTC) 200 Hogan Rd, Bangor, ME, United States

United Technologies Center (UTC) ubicado en 200 Hogan Road en Bangor, Maine. This class will be taught entirely in Spanish.Esta clase se impartirá en español. Se ofrece en una escala ($0- $25); Por favor, pague lo quepueda pagar.En este clima frio, se hace tal vez dificil crecer ciertas flores, hierbas, legumbres or verduras necesarias para […]

$5 – $25

Climate Adapted Tree Planting

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Join us for a hands-on low-impact forestry project! Our forests in Maine face extraordinary stressors and, at the MOFGA campus, our monoculture pine stands and our young stands are especially vulnerable. To help demonstrate proactive climate action, we are planting a selection of carefully selected new tree species which will be observed and cared for in […]


Femme, Nonbinary, Trans and Women (FNTW) Chainsaw Safety

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, United States

$200; $150 MOFGA members.Learn safe chainsaw operation in this one-and-a-half-day course open to femme, nonbinary, trans and women participants. We'll cover why well-fitting personal protective equipment (PPE) is important and where to find it. We'll also perform basic chainsaw maintenance, and practice safe handling and cutting techniques with instructor supervision. This workshop is designed for […]

$150 – $200

Building an Outdoor Oven

Newry Newry, ME, United States

Learn to build a cob oven at a mountainside homestead in Newry, Maine!  This class is being offered on a sliding scale from $130-$230 for the weekend; please pay what you are able. If you would like to apply for a scholarship you can do so here.Wood fired earth ovens make it possible to bake […]

$130 – $230

Seedling Sale in Freeport

The Maine Organic Marketplace 55 Main St., Freeport, ME, United States

Join us for The Maine Organic Marketplace’s annual seedling sale! The frost has passed, the soil’s warming up and it’s time to start putting your seedlings in the ground. From 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. seedlings and plants will be available to purchase outside of our storefront in Freeport on the lawn. We are excited […]


Top Working Workshop (Damariscotta)

Round Top Farm 3 Round Top Lane, Damariscotta, Maine

Hosted in partnership with Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust. Learn to topwork (graft) new disease-resistant, cider, dessert or heritage varieties onto your existing trees! Top working is the type of grafting that is done when you have an established tree and you’d like it to produce a different variety of fruit. This is an incredible way […]

$35 – $50

Una excursión de la granja en Stonecipher Farm

Stonecipher Farm 1186 River Rd, Bowdoinham, Maine

Venga con otros agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas de habla hispana para una serie de recorridos por granjas sobre diferentes temas de agricultura sostenible. Estos eventos serán totalmente en español. Una comida pot-luck vendrá después del recorrido. No es necesario registrarse. Mario Velázquez Morales, ha trabajado en Stonecipher Farm durante 8 años. En 2020, Stonecipher Farm […]


From the Ground Up – Growing Splendid Heirloom Tomatoes in Maine

The Maine Organic Marketplace 55 Main St., Freeport, ME, United States

Join Mt. Gile’s Famous for a discussion on how to successfully grow open-pollinated heirloom, modern exotic and dwarf tomatoes in Maine. From gardens and raised beds, to patios, decks, docks and even boats, we will explore how to select varieties that will maximize your space and set you up for a successful harvest. We will examine […]


Certified Organic Open-Pollinated Tomato Seedling Sale

The Maine Organic Marketplace 55 Main St., Freeport, ME, United States

In cooperation with The Maine Organic Marketplace, Mt. Gile’s Famous has curated a selection of personal favorites and uncommon gems for a tomato seedling sale!Favored heirloom beefsteaks and slicers will be featured, as will fabulous paste, cherry, dwarf, modern exotic, drying and ornamental varieties. Also included will be several culturally significant treasures. Mt. Gile’s Famous […]

Safe Labor Movement Workshop with Cynthia Flores: Central Maine

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Labor-Movement will be offering a free movement workshop in Unity, ME on May 30. These workshops are funded through a risk management grant awarded to Labor-Movement through Northeast ERME, via USDA/NIFA, OR funded through Maine Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN), through UMaine Cooperative Extension, Maine DACF awarded by USDA/National Institute of Food and […]


Safe Labor Movement with Cynthia Flores: Southern Maine

Frinklepod Farm 244 Log Cabin Rd, Arundel, Maine

MOFGA’s Farm Training Project (FTP) workshops are designed for apprentices, Journeypeople, farmworkers and other beginning farmers. They follow an informal format including a farm tour and conversation on the topic of the day. All events are free but require registration.This workshop will focus on body mechanics and movement patterns to help avoid potential work related […]


Gardening Q&A


Did you spend part of the weekend getting your garden in? Maybe you're not sure about when to plant your favorite crop, or worried you missed a planting window. You might be considering how to manage a particular pest this year, or revamping your plans for watering. Whatever your gardening questions, we'd be glad to […]


Twilight Gatherings: Tree Tour

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

MOFGA's campus in Unity, Maine, is home to acres of forests and fields as well as demonstration gardens, orchards and other plantings. We hope you'll join us for this opportunity to enjoy and learn from these features on campus this summer as part of our twilight gatherings.  MOFGA is home to a collection of trees […]


Management Intensive Grazing for the Diversified Farm

Morning Glory Farm 343 Flat Rd, Bethel, ME, United States

This event is hosted by Morning Glory Farm in Bethel, Maine.Management Intensive Grazing (MIG), also known as ‘rational grazing’, is a form of grazing management that can improve pasture forage yields, improve feed quality, increase plant species diversity, improve livestock performance, build soil organic matter and soil nutrient levels, and increase the biological life in […]

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