Barn Rebuild Work Day

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

The time has come— we're ready to rebuild the MOFGA barn lost to fire this past January, and we are thankful for our community of volunteers ready to help! Please dress appropriately for outside work, including closed-toe shoes (work boots with a steel toe are even better). Volunteers are welcome to bring their own tools […]

Plantas Nativas para la Granja con Bas Rouge Farm & Forge

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

En este taller hablaremos acerca de cómo identificamos ciertas plantas nativas y sus requisitos de crecimiento y propagación. Aprenderemos sobre el beneficio de estas plantas dentro del entorno de la granja para crear caminos alimentarios para polinizadores, hábitat, cercas naturales y cortavientos. Habrá una demostración sobre la variedad de sistemas de raíces, requisitos de luz, […]


Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Family & Farming

Second Frost Farm 554 Dickey Hill Rd, Monroe, Maine

Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led, farm-based tours and education geared towards advanced and established farmers. Join other farmer parents at Second Frost Farm for pizza, childcare and a farmer-led conversation about farming while raising a family! We will connect on tactics, failures and resilience. The discussion will […]


Toxic Farmland: A Panel on PFAS Contaminated Farms in the US


Hosted by Sierra Club, Defend Our Health, MOFGA and Great Lakes PFAS Action Network, this online session will feature several farmers, including Adam Nordell of Songbird Farm, to speak about what PFAS has done to their businesses and families, as well as other advocates, including Sarah Alexander of MOFGA, who will offer policy perspectives on […]


Felting Workshop: Beehives!

The Maine Organic Marketplace 55 Main St., Freeport, ME, United States

The bees have been busy! Join Isabel Stearns of Felted Acorns for an introductory workshop on the basic techniques involved in needle felting. Together we will create busy bee hives using wool from Maine. This is a fun class for all levels. All materials are included in the workshop.  $60 general; $55 for MOFGA members. REGISTER HERE.

$55 – $60

Diversified Farming and Farmworker Social

Seek-No-Further Farmstead 522 W Main St, Monroe, ME, United States

MOFGA’s Farm Training Project (FTP) workshops are designed for apprentices, Journeypeople, farmworkers and other beginning farmers. They follow an informal format including a farm tour and conversation on the topic of the day. All events are free but require registration.Seek-No-Further Farmstead is a small, queer-owned and operated farm in Monroe. They produce vegetables year-round, goat […]


Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Food Safety – Wash/Pack Shed Design

Crystal Spring Farm 277 Pleasant Hill Rd, Brunswick, ME, United States

Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led, farm-based tours and education geared towards advanced and established farmers.Come and see Crystal Spring Farm's new wash/pack facility. Tour the facility, hear from farmer Seth Kroeck on the design process and join a farmer discussion on food safety measures.


Twilight Gatherings: Hand Tools for the Garden

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Maybe you’ve been considering purchasing a few new tools for your garden, but you’d  like to see them up close, test them out and learn their positive (and negative) attributes. Join Jack Kertesz, MOFGA’s landscape coordinator (and avid hand tool user), for a live, interactive breakout session, where you can poke around and ponder a […]


Growing Greens in the Garden


Do you love growing greens in the garden? Or maybe you love eating them and want to learn some tips to improve your growing or hear about new varieties.  Join us for this webinar all about growing different kinds of greens with two greens loving gardeners: Aaron Parker of Edgewood Nursery and Eileen Fingerman of […]


Baking in an Outdoor Wood Fired Oven

Morning Glory Farm 343 Flat Rd, Bethel, ME, United States

Learn the art of baking in a cob oven at beautiful Morning Glory Farm in Bethel, Maine! Wood fired earth ovens make it possible to bake incredible crusty breads and pizzas outdoors at home.  In this one day workshop you will learn to bake using an earth oven in both live fire and retained heat modes. […]

$60 – $120

Una excursión de la granja en Girard Farm

Girard Farm 385 Main St., Waterboro, United States

Venga con otros agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas de habla hispana para una serie de recorridos por granjas sobre diferentes temas de agricultura sostenible. Estos eventos serán totalmente en español. Una comida pot-luck vendrá después del recorrido. No es necesario registrarse.Girard Farm es una granja de vegetales orgánicos  diversificados de cinco acres. En el negocio por […]


Accessing Soil, Leasing Land and Working with What You Got

Sound Pine Farm 53 Pennellville Rd, Brunswick, United States

MOFGA’s Farm Training Project (FTP) workshops are designed for apprentices, Journeypeople, farmworkers and other beginning farmers. They follow an informal format including a farm tour and conversation on the topic of the day. All events are free but require registration.Join the farmers of Sound Pine Farm on their leased land in Brunswick, ME, as well […]

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