Integrated Pest Management: A Community Forum

Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens 105 Botanical Gardens Drive, Boothbay, United States

Support both healthy gardens and the health of Maine’s landscape and ecology in this community forum on integrated pest management (IPM), an environmentally sound approach to managing pests in gardens, farms, and forests. In partnership with the IPM Council of Maine, five panelists representing various specialties, including organic farming, ornamental horticulture, agronomy, entomology, and pathology, […]


Starting Your Farm: Planning Your First Year in Production


MOFGA’s Farm Training Project (FTP) workshops are designed for apprentices, Journeypeople, farmworkers and other beginning farmers. They follow an informal format including a farm tour and conversation on the topic of the day. All events are free but require registration. The Starting Your Farm workshop is a three-part Zoom series. Designed for participants who have […]


Farmers’ Market Vendor 101

Seacoast Eat Local Office at Emerson House 4 Captain Smith Emerson Rd, Lee, New Hampshire



Farmer to Farmer Conference

Sugarloaf Resort 5092 Sugarloaf Access Rd., Carrabassett Valley, Maine

MOFGA’s Farmer to Farmer Conference is known for its intimacy, in-depth treatment of topics and profound discussions. The conference offerings are based on the idea that farmers learn best from their peers and other practitioners. Conference speakers include prominent and accessible university faculty, extension educators and other agricultural professionals. Our unique workshop session format presents talks […]

Free – $291

Kitchen Licensing

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

At MOFGA’s Common Ground Educations Center, Unity, Maine. (Snow date: December 14.)This event is priced on a sliding scale from $35-$75. Lunch is included. Please pay what works best for you.Our Kitchen Licensing workshop is back & in person! This workshop is designed for farmers and aspiring small business operators interested in food processing for […]

$35 – $75

MOFGA at the 2024 Agricultural Trades Show

The Augusta Civic Center 76 Community Drive, Augusta, ME, United States

The State of Maine Agricultural Trades Show is sponsored by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. It takes place every January and is a place for farm, agricultural and related sectors to network and connect around business needs and trends. Producers and consumers alike visit this three day show to get professional expertise, learn […]

Recordkeeping and Farm Planning with Dan Brisebois


Join Dan Brisebois for a Zoom based talk on farm recordkeeping. Brisebois will discuss setting up systems for harvest, planting, and sales records and how to connect these records to achieve your farm goals. Brisebois is one of the farmers at Tourne-Sol Cooperative Farm, host of the Seed Growers Podcast, and helps farmers navigate spreadsheets […]

Free – $15

Climate Cafe Series

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Childcare and dinner provided with RSVP. Please join us at the Climate Cafe! MOFGA will be hosting a series of gatherings inviting farmers and farmworkers to connect over climate concerns, share adaptation strategies and strengthen our networks of support. Discussion will be informal and spontaneous, guided by participants' interests, with peer to peer connections at […]

Alternative Employee Benefits

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States +1 more

Snow date: February 23. This event is being offered in-person and on Zoom. In this session of our three-part series, we'll look at different types of benefits that farm owners can offer their employees beyond wages, and often instead of health insurance. It's important to know your employees and what matters most to them. That can […]


Climate Cafe Series

The Hive at Dandelion Spring Farm 961 Ridge Rd, Bowdoinham, ME

Snow date: February 27. Childcare and dinner provided with RSVP.Please join us at the Climate Cafe! MOFGA will be hosting a series of gatherings inviting farmers and farmworkers to connect over climate concerns, share adaptation strategies and strengthen our networks of support. Discussion will be informal and spontaneous, guided by participants' interests, with peer to […]


Dairy Farm Labor Models

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Relying on unpaid or family labor on dairy farms is not a sustainable option in our rapidly changing job market. In the second installment of our three part dairy labor management series, we will hear from the farmers about what has worked on their farms and what they have done differently. The farmers will do their […]


Small “Backyard” Farm Workshop

China Town Office

The Kennebec Soil and Water Conservation District Office will be hosting a small farm workshop for small farms interested in improving the water quality of China Lake. This workshop is geared towards small scale, “backyard” farms in the China Lake region who are interested in improving the health and sustainability of their natural resources. The talk […]

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