Gather & Grow Tour

Wilton, Maine

Join us for this garden tour as part of our annual Gather & Grow series!Ellen's one acre garden in Wilton, Maine, is filled with an array of plants that support the health of pollinators and the neighboring lake as well as bring joy to the many visitors who are welcomed there on the wide walkable […]


Apple Tasting in the Maine Heritage Orchard

Maine Heritage Orchard 85 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Ten years ago, terraces were built in what is now the Maine Heritage Orchard. As trees have been planted and begin to get older, we have apples to share! We hope you can join us for a series of apple tastings in late summer and early fall to enjoy the flavors and varieties of heritage […]


Pasture Management and Diversified Livestock

Apple Creek Farm 538 Millay Rd, Bowdoinham, Maine

MOFGA’s Farm Training Project (FTP) workshops are designed for apprentices, Journeypeople, farmworkers and other beginning farmers. They follow an informal format including a farm tour and conversation on the topic of the day. All events are free but require registration.Come walk through the pastures of Apple Creek Farm with the farmers and MOFGA’s livestock specialist. […]


Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Using Cash Flow Projections when Considering Infrastructure Purchases


Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led education geared towards advanced and established farmers.Creating, understanding and utilizing cash flow projections can be daunting, but the results can be empowering and even life-changing. In this session, we'll take an informal walk through how a good, simple practice of cash flow […]


Gather & Grow: Tour a Raised Bed Garden

Lincolnville, ME Lincolnville, Maine

Join us for this garden tour as part of our annual Gather & Grow series!  Are you gardening in your backyard or raised beds? This lovely raised bed garden, first built in 2020, will inspire you. Making use of gravel pathways, high beds and archways, this vegetable garden makes great use of limited space and sun […]


Climate Adapted Tree Planting Tour

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Join us for a walk and talk to explore our new climate adapted tree planting! We will meet to see the new planting of 14 trees (with 14 more to come) with Aleta McKeage of the Waldo County Soil & Water district, who is partnering with us on this project.  Our forests in Maine face extraordinary stressors. The MOFGA campus […]


Logging with Tractors and Forestry Winches

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, United States

$100; $75 MOFGA members.Learn the basic skills needed to safely use a winch-equipped farm tractor in the woods. This beginner-level course will cover basic tractor and winch operation, building hitches, skid trail layout, landing management and techniques to limit residual stand damage. The course will not include hands-on tree felling instruction.This workshop is full!Email [email protected] […]

$75 – $100

Apple Tasting in the Maine Heritage Orchard

Maine Heritage Orchard 85 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Ten years ago, terraces were built in what is now the Maine Heritage Orchard. As trees have been planted and begin to get older, we have apples to share! We hope you can join us for a series of apple tastings in late summer and early fall to enjoy the flavors and varieties of heritage […]


Gather & Grow: Tour a Lasagna Bed Garden

Northport, ME Northport, Maine

Join us for this garden tour as part of our annual Gather & Grow series! These beautiful and productive gardens are grown on what was once a commercial golf business. Now Mattie grows a wide array of vegetables using a lasagna garden technique, using soil from the property. The lasagna garden was built in December […]


Apple Tasting in the Maine Heritage Orchard

Maine Heritage Orchard 85 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Ten years ago, terraces were built in what is now the Maine Heritage Orchard. As trees have been planted and begin to get older, we have apples to share! We hope you can join us for a series of apple tastings in late summer and early fall to enjoy the flavors and varieties of heritage […]


Introduction to Blacksmithing

Skyline Farm 95 The Lane Road, North Yarmouth, Maine

This course is hosted by Soma Metalwork. Friday evening class runs from 5-7 p.m. and focuses on the basics of forging farmhouse-style hooks from round stock. We will cover a variety of introductory blacksmithing techniques, including tapering, shouldering, spreading, bending, curling and hot cutting.Two-person capacity per class allows for lots of hands on learning and instruction. All tools, […]

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