Backyard Maple Syrup Production Webinar


Join University of Maine Extension Maple Industry Educator Jason Lilley to learn everything you need to know about making your own maple syrup. We'll discuss identifying and tapping trees, collecting and boiling sap, filtering, grading, and canning syrup. Jason will focus on homestead-scale systems that require a limited initial investment in equipment. This webinar is […]

Free – $15

Mushroom Log Inoculation

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

*Free for Journeyperson program participants and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). Scholarship application for anyone interested is available here. Mushrooms are a delicious addition to almost any garden, homestead, woodlot, or farm. In this workshop, learn how to select mushroom logs and varieties, with a specific focus on shiitakes; design an appropriate site for growing […]

$45 – $75

Wood Banks & Fuel Poverty in Maine


*Update: this panel was originally hybrid but is now fully remote (on Zoom). Registrants will receive access to the Zoom link ahead of the event.* Join us for a panel presentation featuring wood bank leaders from around the state of Maine who will share their stories of organizing and running wood banks. Sharing similarities with food […]

Free – $20

Forestry Financial Incentives and Assistance

Hybrid: MOFGA Library & Zoom 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME

Join us for a discussion on available financial incentives and assistance with the Maine Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service! Financials can be a large limiting factor to stewarding your land well. Luckily, there are resources available - whether you need a new bridge, have an understory of barberry, or simply need an updated forest […]

Free – $20

Assisted Migration: Nursery Beds and Forest Planting

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

*Registration is free for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community members, as well as individuals enrolled in MOFGA's Journeyperson program.Learn about assisted migration efforts at MOFGA's woodlot; strategies for growing nursery stock; planting new trees for assisted migration; as well as more broadly planning climate adaptation efforts. Plus, enjoy lunch with colleagues!REGISTER HEREOur […]

$10 – $50

Assisted Migration of Maine’s Forests: Insights from Experimental Planting Studies in Maine

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

*Registration is free for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community members, as well as members of the MOFGA Journeyperson program.  In this session, Dr. Jay Wason and two of his current graduate students, Laura Pinover and Emily MacDonald, will discuss how their recent and ongoing research efforts are helping us understand how forest […]

$5 – $20

Open-to-all Chainsaw Safety Training

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Learn safe chainsaw operation in these one-and-a-half-day courses. We’ll cover personal protective equipment (PPE) and chainsaw selection, and practice safe handling and open-face bore cutting techniques with instructor supervision. Designed for beginners.REGISTER HERELearn more about MOFGA's chainsaw courses here!$240 general admission and $190 for MOFGA and Midcoast Conservancy members.Questions? Email [email protected]

$190 – $240

Conservation in Action: NRCS and Extension Outreach Series

McDougal Orchard 201 Hanson Ridge Road, Springvale, Maine

Are you interested in climate adaptation and mitigation projects on your farm or forest land? The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical and financial assistance to plan and implement conservation work. Come visit a farm that has completed a conservation plan with NRCS, and learn about the process and outcomes. This is also an […]


Logging with Farm Tractors & Forestry Winches

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Learn the basic skills needed to safely use a winch-equipped farm tractor in the woods. This beginner-level course will cover basic tractor and winch operation, building hitches, skid trail layout, landing management and techniques to limit residual stand damage. The course will not include hands-on tree felling instruction. REGISTER HERE *This sliding scale registration is […]

$50 – $100

Assisted Migration Workday

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Join our Low-Impact Forestry Specialist for work in our Assisted Migration plot. Assisted Migration is the practice of aiding species in their movement as a response to climate change. MOFGA has set aside a small plot in our woods as a place for experimentation with Assisted Migration.Work in this area may include building or maintenance, […]


Natural Dyeing: Forest & Field

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

*This event is free for participants in MOFGA's Journeyperson program, as well as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community members.Learn to dye fabrics with  locally foraged plant materials in this introductory natural dyeing workshop, open to new and experienced dyers alike. Participants will tie-dye cotton bandanas with goldenrod and experiment with wool yarn […]

$50 – $80

Sustainable Forest Foraging

Join the Low-Impact Forestry program as we learn from Sarah Robinson from Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District and Dustin Small from Bissel Brothers Three Rivers about identifying and sustainably harvesting forest foods. Together, they will teach us about common edible plants found in Maine's forests - right here in Unity at the MOFGA campus.Please bring […]

$30 – $60
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