Managing Your Forest With Climate Change in Mind


Are you concerned about the impacts of climate change on forests? Join this webinar to learn about how our forests are impacted by climate change and steps we can take to increase forest resilience. You will also learn about available resources, including a new resource recently developed by UVM Extension, Vermont Forests, Parks and Recreation, […]

Free – $15

Managing Forests for Carbon and Climate Change


Understanding how to manage and take care of forests in an uncertain future is a complex undertaking. In this webinar with Vermont Counnty Forester Ethan Tapper, we’ll discuss how to balance managing forests for climate resilience and adaptation, carbon sequestration and storage, wildlife habitat, and biodiversity, while also considering the benefits of local renewable resources […]

Free – $15

Climate Adapted Tree Planting

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Join us for a hands-on low-impact forestry project! Our forests in Maine face extraordinary stressors and, at the MOFGA campus, our monoculture pine stands and our young stands are especially vulnerable. To help demonstrate proactive climate action, we are planting a selection of carefully selected new tree species which will be observed and cared for in […]


Femme, Nonbinary, Trans and Women (FNTW) Chainsaw Safety

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, United States

$200; $150 MOFGA members.Learn safe chainsaw operation in this one-and-a-half-day course open to femme, nonbinary, trans and women participants. We'll cover why well-fitting personal protective equipment (PPE) is important and where to find it. We'll also perform basic chainsaw maintenance, and practice safe handling and cutting techniques with instructor supervision. This workshop is designed for […]

$150 – $200

Twilight Gatherings: Tree Tour

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

MOFGA's campus in Unity, Maine, is home to acres of forests and fields as well as demonstration gardens, orchards and other plantings. We hope you'll join us for this opportunity to enjoy and learn from these features on campus this summer as part of our twilight gatherings.  MOFGA is home to a collection of trees […]


Chainsaw Safety

Highland Research Forest Commons Dr, Bridgton, ME, United States

$200; $150 MOFGA and Lakes Environmental Association members. Learn safe chainsaw operation in these one-and-a-half-day courses. We’ll cover personal protective equipment (PPE) and chainsaw selection, and practice safe handling and open-face bore cutting techniques with instructor supervision. Designed for beginners. REGISTER HERE. Learn more about our chainsaw safety courses.

$150 – $200

Climate Adapted Tree Planting Tour

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

Join us for a walk and talk to explore our new climate adapted tree planting! We will meet to see the new planting of 14 trees (with 14 more to come) with Aleta McKeage of the Waldo County Soil & Water district, who is partnering with us on this project.  Our forests in Maine face extraordinary stressors. The MOFGA campus […]


Logging with Tractors and Forestry Winches

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, United States

$100; $75 MOFGA members.Learn the basic skills needed to safely use a winch-equipped farm tractor in the woods. This beginner-level course will cover basic tractor and winch operation, building hitches, skid trail layout, landing management and techniques to limit residual stand damage. The course will not include hands-on tree felling instruction.This workshop is full!Email [email protected] […]

$75 – $100

The Common Ground Country Fair

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, United States

The Common Ground Country Fair will be held at MOFGA’s Common Ground Education Center in Unity, Maine on September 22, 23, and 24, 2023. MOFGA’s annual celebration of rural living features 1000+ exhibitors and speakers, and emphasizes vibrant communities, sustainable living and local economies, while highlighting organic agriculture. Learn more here. Advance tickets are on sale […]

$12 – $20

Introduction to Bandsaw Milling

Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association 294 Crosby Brook Rd., Unity, ME, United States

$100; $75 MOFGA members.Join professional sawyer Nick Zandstra for a hands-on opportunity to learn about portable bandsaw mills. The course will cover basic mill operation, mill yard layout and techniques to maximize lumber quality while milling logs harvested from the MOFGA woodlot. Please note: Though the course will be taught using a fully-hydraulic Woodmizer mill, […]

$75 – $100

Backyard Maple Syrup Production Webinar


Join University of Maine Extension Maple Industry Educator Jason Lilley to learn everything you need to know about making your own maple syrup. We'll discuss identifying and tapping trees, collecting and boiling sap, filtering, grading, and canning syrup. Jason will focus on homestead-scale systems that require a limited initial investment in equipment. This webinar is […]

Free – $15

Mushroom Log Inoculation

MOFGA's Education Center 294 Crosby Brook Rd, Unity, ME, United States

*Free for Journeyperson program participants and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). Scholarship application for anyone interested is available here. Mushrooms are a delicious addition to almost any garden, homestead, woodlot, or farm. In this workshop, learn how to select mushroom logs and varieties, with a specific focus on shiitakes; design an appropriate site for growing […]

$45 – $75

Wood Banks & Fuel Poverty in Maine


*Update: this panel was originally hybrid but is now fully remote (on Zoom). Registrants will receive access to the Zoom link ahead of the event.* Join us for a panel presentation featuring wood bank leaders from around the state of Maine who will share their stories of organizing and running wood banks. Sharing similarities with food […]

Free – $20
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