Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Farming, Finances & Finding Balance

Buckle Farm 43 Fisher Rd, Unity

MOFGA's Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led, farm-based tours and education geared towards advanced and established farmers.Jim Buckle & Hannah Hamilton offer their reflections on navigating financial challenges and decision making on their organic vegetable farm. They will touch on topics of establishing a basic understanding of financial […]

Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Family & Farming

Second Frost Farm 554 Dickey Hill Rd, Monroe, Maine

Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led, farm-based tours and education geared towards advanced and established farmers. Join other farmer parents at Second Frost Farm for pizza, childcare and a farmer-led conversation about farming while raising a family! We will connect on tactics, failures and resilience. The discussion will […]


Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Food Safety – Wash/Pack Shed Design

Crystal Spring Farm 277 Pleasant Hill Rd, Brunswick, ME, United States

Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led, farm-based tours and education geared towards advanced and established farmers.Come and see Crystal Spring Farm's new wash/pack facility. Tour the facility, hear from farmer Seth Kroeck on the design process and join a farmer discussion on food safety measures.


Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Using Cash Flow Projections when Considering Infrastructure Purchases


Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led education geared towards advanced and established farmers.Creating, understanding and utilizing cash flow projections can be daunting, but the results can be empowering and even life-changing. In this session, we'll take an informal walk through how a good, simple practice of cash flow […]


Farmer to Farmer in the Field: Food Safety & Maine Produce Safety Improvement Grant

Bumbleroot Organic Farm 196 Highland Cliff Rd, Windham, ME

Farmer to Farmer in the Field is a series of monthly free farmer-led, farm-based tours and education geared towards advanced and established farmers.Visit one of MOFGA's Maine Produce Safety Improvement Grant grant program recipients! Tour Bumbleroot Organic Farm's facility and join a general discussion on food safety and wash/pack shed design. Topics will include addressing […]


Farmer to Farmer Conference

Sugarloaf Resort 5092 Sugarloaf Access Rd., Carrabassett Valley, Maine

MOFGA’s Farmer to Farmer Conference is known for its intimacy, in-depth treatment of topics and profound discussions. The conference offerings are based on the idea that farmers learn best from their peers and other practitioners. Conference speakers include prominent and accessible university faculty, extension educators and other agricultural professionals. Our unique workshop session format presents talks […]

Free – $291

Family & Farming at Hall Brook Farm

Hall Brook Farm 34 Berry Rd, Thorndike, ME, United States

Come join us for an open, comfortable and facilitated space for parents who farm. Hear from others who know the juggle and the struggle. We will hear about things that have worked... and some epic fails. Division of labor will be a focus topic of the evening. How might roles shift year to year and […]


Farmer to Farmer Conference

Sugarloaf Resort 5092 Sugarloaf Access Rd., Carrabassett Valley, Maine

MOFGA’s Farmer to Farmer Conference is known for its intimacy, in-depth treatment of topics, and profound discussions. The conference offerings are based on the idea that farmers learn best from their peers and other practitioners. Conference speakers include prominent and accessible university faculty, extension educators, and other agricultural professionals. Our unique workshop session format presents […]

$60 – $345

Farmer-led Producer Meeting: Seeding Schedules


Join us for the first of our February farmer-led producer meetings, facilitated by MOFGA’s Organic Crop and Conservation Specialist, Caleb Goosen. Meet with fellow farmers to discuss seeding schedules, both for in the ground in tunnels, and for seedlings.We will dive into topics like:How many successions?When do you start? How much time is between them?This session will […]

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