Roberta Bailey

Roberta Bailey with her granddaughter, Juniper Ziegner.
Roberta Bailey with her granddaughter, Juniper Ziegner.

Here’s a memory from Roberta Bailey:

“My involvement with MOFGA came because there was, at the time, the tri-county chapter of MOFGA. [It] was fairly active and I became quite active in it [in] 1976 to about the mid to late 80s. And the tri-county chapter, we could have monthly meetings, sometimes they would be just work parties [at] different farms 45 minutes away. We’d all get together for the day, do a big project, whether it was clearing pasture, shingling a barn or fencing a field, whatever needed to be done. Then we’d have a big potluck and play music all night, and those were our chapter meetings. Although, for a while, we did have different speakers come as well … Will Bonsall came one time and talked about seed saving and food drying and things like food preservation, and John Bunker came up and taught us how to graft.”

This memory was excerpted from an oral history in the  Maine Folklife Center MOFGA Collection, courtesy of Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, Fogler Library, University of Maine.

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