Backyard Maple Syrup Production Webinar


This event has been rescheduled to January 16. Join University of Maine Extension Maple Industry Educator, Jason Lilley, to learn everything you need to know about making your own maple syrup. We'll discuss identifying and tapping trees, collecting and boiling sap, as well as filtering, grading, and canning syrup. Jason will focus on homestead-scale systems […]

Free – $15

Environmental Ethics in Running a Logging Business


Join us for a discussion with Katrina Amaral of Timberdoodle Farm to learn about logging for long-term sustainable land management while farming, what to consider for stand health and diversity, and Timberdoodle's environmental ethic.REGISTER HERETimberdoodle Farm is a specialty logging & sawmill business based in Strafford, New Hampshire. Owners Miles and Katrina Amaral began custom […]

Free – $20

How to Use Community Development Financial Institutions for Food & Land Projects


Access to funding is so often a barrier for individuals and communities looking to start food and land-based projects. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are banks and credit unions that specifically focus on making financial resources more accessible to marginalized communities, who are typically excluded from the financial system. CDFIs are commonly used to fund […]

Free – $25

Community Development Financial Institutions for Food & Land Projects: What & Why


Access to funding is so often a barrier for individuals and communities looking to start food and land-based projects. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are banks and credit unions that specifically focus on making financial resources more accessible to marginalized communities, who are typically excluded from the financial system. CDFIs are commonly used to fund […]

Free – $25

Seeds for a Decolonial Botany


What does it mean to practice biology as a feminist? To grapple with the colonial and racist histories of modern plant sciences? To move toward a feminist, decolonial botany? Explore these questions with Dr. Banu Subramaniam: Luella LaMer Professor of Women's and Gender Studies at Wellesley College, plant evolutionary biologist, and author of Botany of Empire: Plant Worlds and […]

$5 – $20
Event Series Beekeeping Through the Seasons

Beekeeping Through the Seasons


*This is the final class in a series of 9 classes. Registration price covers the whole series.Join Master Beekeeper Karen Thurlow for our first-ever foray into beekeeping through the seasons. From getting hives going in March to feeding and putting them to rest in November: this series will trace the shifting activities, challenges, and hive […]

$100 – $275

Starting Your Farm: Planning for Your First Year in Production


The workshop is part of our three-part Starting Your Farm online series. Designed for participants who have attended session one and two of the Starting Your Farm series, this workshop will cover how to create a production plan for your first year. This interactive workshop will guide you through the process of developing your first […]


Garden Clean-up Webinar


As the growing season comes to a close, spend an evening with Ivonne Vazquez of Bas Rouge Farm & Forge for this webinar on garden clean-up. Participants will receive guidance on how to clean up their gardens, while accounting for aesthetics, sustainability, and next year's growth. This webinar will include a Q&A section.This webinar will be recorded; and the […]

Free – $25
Event Series Beekeeping Through the Seasons

Beekeeping Through the Seasons


*This is the eighth in a series of 9 classes. Registration price covers the whole series.**Registration is free for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community members and participants in the MOFGA Journeyperson Program.Join Master Beekeeper Karen Thurlow for our first-ever foray into beekeeping through the seasons. From getting hives going in March to […]

$100 – $275

Starting Your Farm: Selecting Enterprises


The workshop is part of our three-part Starting Your Farm online series. Once you have begun to explore your options for starting a farm, it is important to consider what you plan to grow and sell. Join Nicolas Lindholm, MOFGA’s Business and Marketing Specialist, for an interactive workshop on enterprise selection and financial planning. We […]


Extender la Temporada: Jardinería en el Invierno


Esta clase ha sido cancelada debido a circunstancias atenuantes. Si quieren recursos de este tema, pueden enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected]. ¿Quieres crecer más verduras durante los meses fríos? Participe en este webinar sobre extendiendo la temporada de jardinería. Con Ivonne Vazquez de Bas Rouge Farm & Forge, aprenderan acerca de usar cubierta de fila; […]

Free – $25

Plantas Nativas para Atraer Polinizadores


Aprenda sobre las plantas nativas que ayudarán a los polinizadores en su jardín, en este seminario web entre semana con Ivonne Vazquez de Bas Rouge Farm & Forge. Participantes aprenderán sobre plantas nativas de su región en Maine y cómo los jardineros pueden atraer especies polinizadoras cuidando las plantas nativas. También, obtenga consejos sobre algunas […]

Free – $25
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