This workshop will focus on body mechanics and movement patterns to help avoid potential work related musculoskeletal injuries while farming. We will discuss and practice ideal vs real and ways to modify to get the work done safely and efficiently. Limited to 20 people.
MOFGA’s Farm Training Project (FTP) workshops are designed for apprentices, farmworkers and beginning farmers. For questions, call (207) 568-4142, email [email protected] or check the Farm Training Project website.
Given safety guidelines due to COVID-19, ALL Farm Training Project events require pre-registration, and priority is given to farmworkers, apprentices, and Journeypeople. Social distancing is required at in person events with masks worn inside.
We’re monitoring the recent changes in requirements and guidance at the state and national level with regards to COVID-19 safety protocols. At this time we do not have updated guidance for in person events, but we anticipate that coming and will make appropriate updates to our website as the guidance continues to evolve over the coming months.