Meet MOFGA Volunteer Daniel Sipe
Winter 2023-2024
By Betsy Garrold
Photo credit: Daniel Sipe
“Organizer” is the word that sprung to mind when I chatted with Daniel Sipe, one of the
coordinators of the compost and recycling area at the Common Ground Country Fair in
Unity, Maine. Sipe’s main job at the Fair is organizing the many people who volunteer to
sort through compost and recycling generated during the three-day event. He also gives
tours of the area to curious fairgoers. Sipe credits his involvement with the area to Lisa
Willey, who, he says, took him under her wing, showed him the ropes and instilled a
passion for zero waste in him.
He also enjoys serving on MOFGA’s year-round Fair steering committee. Sipe is
so well respected in the world of fairs in Maine that he was invited to be on a panel at
the County Fair Association annual conference with other fair staff about using recycling
to “green” a county fair.
In addition to his leadership role at the Fair, Sipe is involved in organizing many artistic,
community and political projects in Norway, Maine, where he lives. His passion for
revitalizing western Maine is at the heart of his community organizing work. He was one
of the founders, in 2019, of Lights Out. Originally envisioned as a pop-up art venue in
Portland, it, like so many things, got slightly derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and
morphed into an online art gallery, which he continues to run.
Sipe’s political organizing work began with his role as a canvassing director for the
Maine People’s Alliance. He has ranged as far afield as Philadelphia, where he worked
on a senate campaign. At that time, he flew back mid-campaign to help manage
recycling at the Fair. His political organizing work culminated in his own run for the
legislature in 2022.
In fall 2023, Sipe was in the midst of a massive fundraising effort to renovate a 15,000-
square-foot warehouse — the site of an old snowshoe factory — in Norway and
regretfully missed the Fair, but he promises to be back next year. The warehouse will be
restored as a community gathering place, with an art gallery, coworking space, art and
dance studios, woodworking shop, tool library, and botanical and sculpture gardens.
Those involved are renovating while innovating. One of the projects that is underway is the production of short documentaries of Maine artists; as of fall 2023, they have recorded 77. Another project is the roof: it is badly in need of repair, but fortunately none of the artworks have been rained on.
“The community here is so strong it gives me faith that we can build a better, stronger
community in the world,” says Sipe. And with an excellent organizer like Sipe on the job,
how can we miss?