General Goat Care and Practices
As a rule of thumb, you’ll need at least 1 acre for five sheep or goats, or 1.5 acres of total forage production fields per 1,000 pounds of animal unit.
You can check out our resource on organic sheep and goats for more information on raising goats organically.
You can check out our resource on organic sheep and goats for more information on raising goats organically.
More Goat Resources
January 10, 2021
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Stuart Grande (left), a University of Maine Sustainable Agriculture Program graduate, and George van Vlaanderen in the cheese room at Doe’s Leap Farm in Vermont. Kristan Doolan photo. By Tim King Kristan Doolan and George van Vlaanderen, owners of Doe’s Leap organic goat dairy in East Fairfield, Vermont, are trying an experiment. Actually, their whole