Farm Financial Series: Unit Cost Analysis

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Farm Financial Series: Unit Cost Analysis

February 19 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


This winter, MOFGA will be hosting three webinars to introduce tools that are commonly part of a farm’s financial records, highlighting and demonstrating effective and efficient ways to use them to assess risks and evaluate opportunities. These online sessions will cover Cash Flow projections, Unit Cost Analysis spreadsheets, and Income Statements’ Chart of Accounts, showing that within this seemingly dry, static data there are actually novel ways to see the rows and columns as simple instruments for good decision making and planning, whether that be for facing challenges or opportunities in the farm’s production, labor, markets, or financial future. Each of the webinars will be followed up with an opportunity for participants to meet one-on-one with a farm financial advisor to develop or modify their existing farm financial spreadsheets to be used for risk assessment and mitigation purposes.  

At this session, participants will learn about Unit Cost Analysis spreadsheets to develop more robust and resilient price setting strategies and ways to mitigate sudden shocks in costs


Follow-up 1-on-1 meetings available for all attendees, February through May, 2025 –Participants will be able to meet, up to 6 hours individually, with a farm financial advisor, to develop, modify, and/or use their own farm’s chart of accounts, cash flow projections, or unit cost analysis spreadsheets, to assess financial risks and evaluate opportunities.

Farmers may attend one or all of the webinars; no previous knowledge or attendance to other programming is required. Follow-up technical assistance will only be available to those who have attended one of our webinars.

This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021-70027-34693.



February 19


5:00 pm - 7:00 pm



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