Organic Orcharding 101

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Organic Orcharding 101

April 24 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

$30 – $80

This workshop has regretfully been cancelled.

A three part webinar series taught by Michael Phillips with sessions on April 24th, May 8th, May 22nd. By signing up below you are registering for all 3 sessions. All sessions will be recorded.

Michael Phillips, author of The Apple Grower, will lead the group through a comprehensive exploration of orchard health strategies that make disease and insect challenges doable for the organic grower. Michael is renowned for helping people grow healthy fruit using herbal protocols and his approach is premised on the fact that growing healthy fruit begins with understanding biological core truths.

These in turn determine how we go about stewarding the orchard ecosystem through the growing season. In this workshop he will discuss how challenges you face in your locale will become far more manageable as you build a holistic system that keeps trees and berry plantings healthy from the get-go.

Michael’s latest book is called Mycorrhizal Planet: How Fungi and Plants Work Together to Create Dynamic Soils, and the community orchard movement he helped to found at provides a full immersion into the holistic approach to orcharding. His Lost Nation Orchard is part of a medicinal herb farm in northern New Hampshire.

Sliding scale pricing from $30-$80 for all 3 sessions. Please pay what you can afford. Free for participants in MOFGA’s Journeyperson program, BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) participants and veterans. 

Contact [email protected] with questions. 



April 24


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


$30 – $80

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