MOFGA’s orchards celebrate and preserve our heritage of tree fruit diversity, demonstrate innovative polycultural orcharding and regenerate soil vitality. The Maine Heritage Orchard is a ten-acre educational preservation orchard with more than 300 varieties of apples and pears traditionally grown in Maine. We are adding more varieties each year. The collection includes varieties from all 16 counties in Maine dating back as far as 1630. Until recently, many of them had been on the verge of extinction. This undertaking is all the more inspiring for the amazing transformation of its setting – a reclaimed gravel pit. If you’ve yet to see the Maine Heritage Orchard in person – or just want to see how it is growing, join us for this free tour!
We also welcome you to join us for a volunteer workday in the orchard to help with summer maintenance, beginning at 3 p.m. Sign up here to lend a hand!Â