Advertising in The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener

Since 1974, our quarterly newspaper, The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener (The MOF&G), has offered practical information on organic growing practices and livestock husbandry, low-impact forestry, modern-day homesteading and more for a range of readers, including deliberate eaters, beginning to advanced gardeners, homesteaders and commercial farmers and food producers. The MOF&G is published four times per year — March, June, September and December — by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) as part of its educational mission. 

Subscription and retail distribution includes New England and across the country. Circulation averages 5,000 copies (with an approximate readership of 10,000) for the spring, summer, fall and winter issues, with the fall Fairbook distributed to tens of thousands of fairgoers at the Common Ground Country Fair. Most recently, attendance numbers at the 2022 Fair topped 67,000 people. In 2023, advertisers for the fall will be featured in both the fall edition of The MOF&G and a new Fairbook distributed to Common Ground Country Fair attendees. Each issue of The MOF&G, complete with ads, is also made available in a full digital format for free to visitors of MOFGA’s website.

Please email your ad materials to [email protected].

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