2022 Staff Photo Gallery

Sarah Alexander, Executive Director
“I took this photo while we were filming with The Lost Kitchen in the Maine Heritage Orchard. We’re grateful for the support this year from Erin French and The Lost Kitchen’s patrons for the PFAS Emergency Fund that MOFGA administers with Maine Farmland Trust.”

Caitlyn Barker, Community Engagement Coordinator
“April Boucher, Common Ground Country Fair director, stands with Francis Moore Lappé, a keynote speaker at the 2022 Common Ground Country Fair.”
Clare Boland, Online Community Engagement Coordinator
“Fairgoers coming together to watch a keynote address on the Common. The sweet Annie in the backpack is quintessential Common Ground Fair!”
Ryan Dennett, Farmer Programs Director
“My daughter living her best life at the Fair!”
Anna Libby, Community Education Director
“The Seed Swap & Scion Exchange is one of my very favorite MOFGA events, and it felt joyful to be back together swapping in person this year! (We hope you join us for our 2023 Seed Swap & Scion Exchange on March 26th.)”
Elizabeth Lucy, Campaign Officer
“The Maine Heritage Orchard endowment launch event at Portersfied Cider.”
Meghan Metzger, Director of Membership and Development
“Beautiful summer bounty at the MOFGA grounds.”
Laura Miller, Development Manager
“This photo shows a busy moment at the members t-shirt stamping activity in the MOFGA tent at the Fair. This was a new addition to the Fair this year, and it was great to connect with members and see the wonderful t-shirt designs they created.”
Laura Sieger, Orchard Manager
“Photos from the Maine Heritage Orchard this season.”
Heather Spalding, Deputy Director and Senior Policy Director
“Governor Mills signing LD 1911 – An Act To Prohibit the Contamination of Clean Soils with So-called Forever Chemicals (the sludge spreading ban).”

Caitlyn Barker, Community Engagement Coordinator
“The 2022 volunteer raffle is an epic event, held as a benefit and nod of appreciation to the thousands of volunteers who power the Common Ground Country Fair.”
Hillary Barter, Educational Programs Coordinator
“A picture showing the vibrant hands of a happy participant in our indigo dyeing workshop! Jack Kertesz grew this indigo on the MOFGA grounds and Hannah Welling led a group in harvesting and dyeing with the plant last summer.”
Clare Boland, Online Community Engagement Coordinator
“There’s nothing like hearing the excitement of the garden parade coming down the path at the Fair. I jumped into the parade to take this photo and got swept up in the fun!”
Meg Gammon, Common Ground Country Fair Coordinator
“I picked this photo of my sister, mom and dad because it was their first time at the Fair and they had so much fun coordinating the Harry S. Truman Manure Pitch Off. One of the best things about the Fair is that it is an annual event that brings families together year after year. My family is already looking forward to volunteering next year and, I appreciate their love and support!”
Nicolas Lindholm, Organic Business and Marketing Specialist
“November brings out the hunter orange outerwear, the heavier fall and winter chore coats, and election day. I tried to capture all of this in our own farm’s coat closet, and used this pic atop the 11/11/22 Farmer Programs newsletter.”
Elizabeth Lucy, Campaign Officer
“Rowan, the Angora goat at the Common Ground Country Fair.”
Don Pendleton, Buildings and Grounds Assistant
“This photo is from the Fair compost area.”
Laura Sieger, Orchard Manager
“Photos from the Maine Heritage Orchard this season.”
Wendy Watson, Kitchen Manager and Fair Food Liaison
“This photo depicts the busy beehive of Common Kitchen volunteers making food for the many other CGCF volunteers during the Fair. Every space imaginable, inside and out, is used for food prep in the Common Kitchen, and it is done on a scale that is unbelievable! At the 2022 Fair, the Common Kitchen volunteers made and served over 7,000 meals over the course of the Fair this year!”
Jennifer Wilhelm, Communications and Outreach Director
“Here’s my favorite photo from the Fair. Joy was a volunteer in the Common Kitchen and had a great message to share about why they volunteer for MOFGA.”