Videos from Friday’s Livestream
Friday’s Livestream
9:00AM Welcome and Introduction to the Online Fair: Sarah Alexander, MOFGA and guests
9:30AM Garlic Planting Demonstration: Mark Guzzi, Peacemeal Farm
10:00AM Perennial Polyculture Design & Farm Tour: Jesse Watson, Midcoast Permaculture Design
11:00AM Keynote: Farming While Black: African Diasporic Wisdom for Farming and Food Justice: Leah Penniman, Soulfire Farm
12:00PM Working with Sheep Dogs: Dave & Colin Kennard, Wellscroft Fence Systems
1:00:PM Apple Identification 101: John Bunker, Super Chilly Farm
2:00PM Making and Using Apple Cider Vinegar: Bob Sewall & Kate Wallace, Sewall Orchard and The Resilience Hub
3:00PM The 10 Biggest Mistakes Woodland Owners Make: Tom Doak, Maine Woodland Owners
4:00PM Invasive Plants of Maine: Nancy Olmstead, Maine Natural Areas Program
4:30PM Baking Common Ground Whole Grain Bread: Dusty Dowse, Maine Grain Alliance, Bread Coordinator, Lammastide Bakery
5:00PM Fix-a-flat: Hands on Flat Bicycle Tire Repair: Fred Robie, Fair Bicycle Area Coordinator, Bicycle Coalition of Maine
Friday Evening Music
5:30PM Cabin Fever Dream EP Release Performance & Waldo County Bounty: Sara Trunzo, Musician
5:50PM Thank you & preview of evening entertainment.
6:00PM Local Music Showcase